“Are all this theatrics really necessary?” Klaus Mikaelson asked his sister, looking at the Sheriff she had bound to the chair with amusement shining in his eyes. Bodies littered the restaurant, all of the men and woman that consisted of the human faction was dead. All except for one. The one that gave the order to shoot up the Compound. The one that nearly hurt Khalia’s sweet heart. The Sheriff. See, the female Mikaelson decided to take her time with him, to make him hurt like Hayley would have been hurt. There was butter knives – that she took from the kitchen – sticking out of his legs, both his eyes are turning blue, his arms was broken and he had a steak knife sticking into his stomach. But, he wouldn’t die. She made sure of that, knowing where to stab so that she wouldn’t hit any major arteries that would cause him to die sooner. Unfortunately she had to compel him to keep quiet or someone would have called the police if they heard his screams of pain, denying her the pleasure of hearing his pain.
The girl in question simply snorted and glanced away from her handiwork and to her brother, a smirk gracing her lips. “That’s rich. Coming from you and all.”
“Are you going to kill him?” A voice asked and she turned to one of the last living members of the human faction.
“Yes.” The Mikaelson female admitted unapologetically and the Sheriff’s eyes widened, but he was to tired to fight the restraints. Kieran’s jaw clenches violently and she smirks before turning back to her captured prey. “Let this be a warning for the entire supernatural community: come near my family and you will die. It’s really not that hard to understand.”
The Hybrid looks at the father. “There he is. Our lone survivor. Such a sad day for our city.” He pats Father Kieran on the shoulder. “Some of its best and brightest killed in a tragic boating accident on the Mississippi. Rather nasty explosion, I heard.” He looks Kieran in the eyes. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Kill him.” Khalia deadpanned, picking up another steak knife from the collection she took out of the kitchen. The vampire carved the word ‘sinner’ on his forehead and then proceeded to slice his cheekbones deeply. Satisfaction rammed through her as she watched pain fill his eyes.
Marcel stands up and joins them anxiously. “Okay, hold up. I've known Kieran for a long time. He's smart and he's fair. I think he can do us more good alive than dead.”
“What are you? His little cheerleader?” The immortal girl could not help but quip as she cut of one of the Sheriff’s ears. The father wanted to say something to her, but one look at the man he considered a friend made him wisely keep his mouth shut as he did not want to end up like that. His stomach churned and bile rose up in his throat
“Not to mention he's Cami's uncle.” The blonde looks at him suspiciously and Khalia frowned, not sure how a bartender she and Rebekah threatened had anything to do with Klaus. She though for a second and then remembered that her brother is using the blonde human to type his memoirs. Or something like that. “Don't see you care about things much, it's kinda hard not to notice when you do.”
“Very well. Use this reprieve to remake your human faction.” Klaus agreed easily and brows of disbelief rose on the brunette vampire’s. She can’t believe her brother agreed this quickly. Maybe Marcel was onto something with what he just said about the bartender.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshall
Fanfiction"SHE LOVED HER AGAINST REASON, AGAINST PROMISE, AGAINST PEACE, AGAINST HOPE, AGAINST HAPPINESS, AGAINST ALL DISCOURAGEMENT THAT COULD BE." In which Kol Mikaelson has a twin sister. OR A story about grieving, healing and learning to love again. *** [...