Khalia was inside the mansion, busy getting her mind of what happened in the pool just minutes ago or trying to at least. Her body was still hot from the fire that erupted inside of her when Hayley touched her, even after mulitpule ice cold showers. She was walking past the exit that lead outside, making her way to the kitchen, when she saw an unfimiliar figure talking to Hayley and the vampire sped to the door."Sophie just asked me to come keep you company while everyone's out." She heard the unfimiliar woman say to the werewolf.
"Everyone's not out. I'm here to watch over her and keep her company." Khalia said as she stopped by the door that lead outside, making the two girls' head snap to her. Khalia noticed that Hayley was looking anywhere but her eyes. She understood why and decided that it was better this way, that Hayley thinks that she doesn't like her. Yet, that didn't stop the painful tug her heart gave.
The woman's eyes widenend in realisation and fear when she saw the Original. "You know who I am?" She asked, her usual smirk on her lips but the words came out more of a statement.
"Yeah, I know. You're Khalia Mikaelson. Everyone knows who you are." The dark skinned woman said with a nervous smile and stepped towards the vampire and extended a hand. "I'm Sabine." Khalia just gave her a blank stare, not making any movement to shake it, and the witch akwardly took her hand back and turned back to Hayley, who was still looking anywhere but the vampire.
Sabine looks at the wolf curiously and gestures toward it, causing Hayley to glance back at the wolf and Khalia to look at the witch, her guard up. "You know, it's drawn to you. The child you're carrying is part vampire, part werewolf. You and Klaus made something special."
Khalia scowled at the words out of jealousy but neither the werewolf or the witch noticed it, luckily for her. "You sound like Elijah. He thinks this baby is going to make us one big, happy family, but now he's gone and I don't even know what... 'it' is." The werewolf comments and Khalia looks at her. Not knowing what to tell her or what to do. She doens't know how to comfort people or what to do when people are sad or in need of comfort.
"You know, I can do something about that, if you want. I mean, find out if it's a boy or girl." Sabine tells her and Khalia narrowed her eyes at the witch.
Hayley was confused at the witches words and said, "I thought you couldn't do witchy stuff around here."
"It's not magic, just an old trick my grandmother taught me. Come on. You have to be a little curious." The witch tells her with a smile and Hayley nods slowly. Khalia sped forward, grabbed the witch by her throat and leaned to the witches ear,
"If something happens to her because of what you're about to do, I'll rip you apart, piece by piece." She threatened in a low snarl, her voice sending shivers down Sabine's spine and not the pleasant kind, knowing the Original is deadly serious. The witch nodded, fear coursing through her.
The vampire let her go and stepped back as the witch entered the house, still catching her breath and Khalia turned around to come face to face with a grinning Hayley, who heard her threat.
"What are you smiling about, sweetheart?" The Original asked.
"Nothing." Hayley said, moving past the vampire to go into the house, her grin never faltering. It would seem that Rebekah was right, Khalia is going to push her away but Hayley was determined. She would push back harder.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshall
Fanfiction"SHE LOVED HER AGAINST REASON, AGAINST PROMISE, AGAINST PEACE, AGAINST HOPE, AGAINST HAPPINESS, AGAINST ALL DISCOURAGEMENT THAT COULD BE." In which Kol Mikaelson has a twin sister. OR A story about grieving, healing and learning to love again. *** [...