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After their descussion, the Mikaelson siblings left, Klaus going one direction and the two sister's another way. At this moment, Rebekah and Khalia walked through the Quarter as they call Klaus on the blonde vampire's cell phone.

"Niklaus, for the love of Mary Magdalene, how long does it take to ask a simple question?" Rebekah questioned him, her tone irretated and Khalia snickered.

"Of all the people in the world, I didn't think you'd have a love for Mary Magdalene." Khalia comments with a smirk, recieving a laugh from Klaus and a shove from Rebekah.

"Much longer than you'd think, considering the answer was, as expected, 'No'." Klaus told the two girls.

"Told you so." Khalia commented.

"Marcel's man, Thierry, is suspicious. He thinks the two of you killed ten nightwalkers." Klaus told the two and Khalia scoffed while Rebekah feinged offense.

"Well, that's a lie! I only killed seven and Khalia one. Should I make Thierry the eight?" Rebekah asks him and Khalia smirked at her sister's words.

"Marcel is playing friendly. We can't kill the favorite son, or he'll catch onto us." The hybrd rejected his sister's offer.

"So, war it is, then?" The blonde asked.

"Indeed." Klaus confirmed, making Khalia grin in happiness.

"Thank God, I haven't killed in almost a week and last night doesn't count seeing as that was only one kill." She said, making her two siblings roll their eyes.

"Do you know what to do with the witch?" Klaus asks.

"I believe I do." Rebekah replies as she and Khalia exchanged smiles.

"Good. You manage Sophie Deveraux. I'll take care of the next step." Klaus tells the two and hangs up. The two vampires arrives at a Voodoo shop and waitwaits outside the shop. Rebekah turns to greet Sophie, who is approaching her from down the street while Khalia just ignored the witch. She really didn't like witches. It was the one thing she and her twin didn't have in common, she hated witches while Kol couldn't get enough of them.

"Oh, so glad you could make it. Elijah only lies daggered and rotting whilst you dilly-dally." Rebekah bites sarcastically.

"You're lucky I came at all. What do you want?" Sophie asked the two and the dark haired Original narrowed her eyes at the girl.

"Now, I know we can't lay a finger on you because of that pesky little spell that links you to Hayley, but I can still kill members of your coven. Give us attitude like that again and I'll do it." Khalia's threatening words made Sohpie glare at her but Khalia wasn't even a little fazed since she practically invented the glare. Sophie also didn't say anything, knowing that when Khalia Mikaelson makes a threat you take her seriously.

"Hayley was attacked last night by Marcel's crew because somebody told him there was a werewolf in the Quarter. She only made one stop. Whoever saw her here ratted her out. Watch and learn." Rebekah says and a dark look passed on Khalia's face as she thought about Hayley getting hurt.

Rebekah and Khalia turns and walks into the shop, and Sophie follows her in. Inside the shop, Katie emerges from a back room with a box, and smiles when she sees Sophie.

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