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After a long day full of boring classes all Kelsey felt like doing was curling up with a blanket while watching a movie. Unfortunately, with two exams tomorrow resting was not an option. Kelsey walked along the busy London street weaving in between people to get to her destination. Kelsey loved being in The Last Drop Cafe where the smell of brewing coffee was always lingering and a soothing latte was in her reach. There was always a calm atmosphere even if it was crowded. Today, with tests looming over her head Kelsey needed the tranquility of her favorite coffee spot to keep her focused.

The ding of the bell as Kelsey opened the door alerted the cafe's workers to the front for yet another customer.

"Hey Kels, want your usual?"a barista, who happens to be Kelsey's best friend, asked.

"Yeah, thank you Alyssa," Kelsey responded grabbing her wallet to pay.

"Have fun studying," Alyssa playfully said once she handed Kelsey her latte.

Kelsey rolled her eyes at her friend and ventured to her favorite spot in the back corner of café where distractions were few and far between. She settled into the table of four and spread out her notes and textbooks. Three vanilla lattes into studying a voice interrupted Kelsey.

"Mind if I sit here?" a British voice questioned Kelsey who was occupied with her textbooks. She glanced up to a boy with beautiful eyes, cute glasses, and a set of brown hair. Kelsey looked around the shop noticing it was way more crowded than when she first arrived and the three other seats at her table were the only open places left.

"I'm only saying yes because there are no other seats and I don't feel like arguing," Kelsey retorted.

"So, studying I presume," the mystery boy articulated after sitting down into the seat across from Kelsey. Kelsey silently nods hopefully sending a signal she was busy and did not feel like engaging in a conversation. There is no way with someone sitting at her table she will accomplished any studying.

"Well Kelsey, I'm Fionn. Fionn Whitehead," Fionn spoke startling Kelsey since he knew her name when they haven't ever met.

"How do you know--," Kelsey began to ask but Fionn interrupted her.

"Your name is on your coffee. I'm not a stalker I promise." Fionn chuckled taking another slow sip of his drink.

"Oh...um...yeah. My name is Kelsey," Kelsey sheepishly responded not wanting to embarrass herself in front of this stranger. I have to admit he is pretty good looking. Kelsey gets snapped out of her thoughts from the sound of a text message. She glimpsed in Fionn's direction to realize he is checking a notification on his phone.

"Well Kelsey, looks like I have to go. Thank you for sharing your table with me for a few minutes. Bye now," Fionn stood up giving Kelsey a small wave as he turned to leave the café.

Kelsey was once again left alone to her thoughts, her books, and her latte.

hello! i'm really excited to be writing this fic since I have wanted to do it for quite some time now. hope you guys enjoy reading it! leave a comment or a vote if you did :)

The Last Drop Cafe // Fionn WhiteheadWhere stories live. Discover now