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     With only two early morning classes, Kelsey had the entire day to prepare for her later encounter with Fionn. Kelsey didn't need to worry about deciding on an outfit since she had Alyssa assist her last night. She decided to pass the time she had before needing to get ready by watching some Netflix. Kelsey settled into her couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the television.


    After watching a few episodes, Kelsey began to get ready. She headed into her bathroom to take a fast shower before getting dressed and doing her makeup. Kelsey jumped into her shower quickly so she had enough time getting ready.

     After washing up Kelsey stepped in her closet and removed the planned outfit from the hangers. She slid on a ripped pair of jeans and a knit sweater. Kelsey grabbed a pair of socks from her drawer and sat on her bed to put them on. She then proceeded back into her bathroom to begin her makeup.

     After electing a natural makeup look, braiding her hair into a simple french braid, and lacing up a pair of Converse, Kelsey exited her apartment building.

     Kelsey spent about ten minutes in her car maneuvering through the crowded London avenues.

     Kelsey walked into the café looking around for Fionn.

     Maybe I will just wait for him at the table.

     "Hello, love," someone said from directly behind Kelsey.

     "Oh Fionn. Hi," Kelsey stated startled from Fionn's random approach.

     "Sorry to scare you," Fionn added with a laugh, "I bought your favorite." Fionn handed Kelsey her usual vanilla latte. On the cup Kelsey viewed a little, but noticeable, heart on the cup and couldn't help but smile at Fionn's cute gesture.

     "You didn't scare me, just unaware of your presence. And thank you so much for buying my drink. I easily could have done so," Kelsey said truly grateful for Fionn.

     "Nonsense, I asked you to hang out. What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't buy the girl I asked to spend time with a drink," Fionn explained motioning towards the back of the café where their spot is. Fionn pulled out the metal chair for Kelsey and she kindly thanked him as she sat down in the extended seat.

     "Thank you for inviting me," Kelsey stated.

     "I wouldn't want anyone else sitting here with me, so thank you for coming," Fionn replied.

     The two spent the rest of afternoon chatting letting time slip them by. They were so caught up in their world they didn't even realize when they were the one of the last groups of people residing in the café.

     Finally, when a worker had to approach them about the coffee shop's closing, Kelsey and Fionn started to leave.

     They decided to take a nice stroll through the cool evening air in a park that was downtown. After several minutes off enjoying each other's company Fionn broke the silence with a request for Kelsey.

     "Do you wanna go out with some other time?" Fionn asked Kelsey while they began walking down the London streets.

     Kelsey blinked in Fionn's direction and stopped their walking. Before she got a chance to respond Fionn continued.

     "Not to The Last Drop though. To a restaurant. For dinner. With me."

     Kelsey again opened her mouth to speak but Fionn added one more thought.

     "Basically, I'm wondering if you would go on a official date. I know this could have been considered a date, but I never got the chance to formally ask you."
Kelsey grinned from ear to ear after listening to Fionn's words.

     "Yeah, that would be wonderful. I would definitely to go on a date with you. I'm free Saturday," Kelsey mentioned.

      "I am too. I will pick you up at 7. I would tell you to dress nice but you look beautiful everyday," Fionn stated. Kelsey blushed upon hearing Fionn's complement.

     "Thank you," Kelsey replied.

     "I wish I didn't have to go because I truly enjoy your company, but I look forward to seeing you again Saturday," Fionn beamed.

     "As do I," Kelsey agreed.

     Kelsey and Fionn said their farewells and walked in opposite directions towards their vehicles. The entire ride home the smile on Kelsey's face would not fade away. Even after changing out of her clothes into pajamas she still found herself grinning.

     Kelsey turned a movie on to help her wind down after an eventful afternoon with Fionn. Her phone buzzed beside her on her night side table and she smiled after reading the recipient.

i know it's still sorta early but i wanted to wish you goodnight. it was wonderful to see you and cannot wait for saturday. have a relaxing evening. xx

     Kelsey fell asleep with the thought of Fionn on her mind and that could not have been more peaceful for Kelsey to rest. 

The Last Drop Cafe // Fionn WhiteheadWhere stories live. Discover now