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     "You're working today right?" Kelsey asked Alyssa after their last class concluded.

     "Yep, my shift starts in twenty minutes," Alyssa responded.

     "Mind giving me a ride? I walked to campus today, but I wanna go to The Last Drop and I'm feeling way to lazy to walk," Kelsey talked walking alongside Alyssa in the university parking lot.

     "Going to find your new lover?" Alyssa teased.

     "No. I'm not going to search for Fionn. I just want a latte to accompany my book as I read," Kelsey explained. "Will you give me a ride or not?"

     "Yeah, hop in." Kelsey and Alyssa simultaneously opened their doors of Alyssa's car and got inside.

     "Even though you aren't there to find Fionn, I sure as hell hope he comes into the shop. If you aren't going to jump on the opportunity to get an attractive boyfriend, you know I will," Alyssa added with a wink.

     The drive to The Last Drop lasted no more than ten minutes. Alyssa punched into her shift and handed Kelsey her familiar drink.

     "I'm going to sit down. I'll say goodbye before I leave."

     The cafe was once again crowded but Kelsey's typical table in the corner was free of any other patrons. Kelsey pulled her book out of her purse and leaned against the wall while positioning her legs on the chair adjacent to her.


     "Fancy seeing you here," someone interjected in Kelsey's reading.

     Oh my gosh. It's Fionn...

     "Uh...H-hi," Kelsey stuttered not too sure what to say.

     Fionn sat down in the same chair across from Kelsey, just like yesterday.

    "This place sure has been crowded the past couple of days," Fionn spoke initiating conversation between the two. Kelsey quickly observed her surroundings to see that again her table has the only available seats in the entire place.

    "Yeah....it has been," Kelsey stated still a little in awe that Fionn showed up again. Kelsey closed her novel, quite undesirably, and turned her attention to the boy drinking coffee at her table.

    "So, uh, I'm assuming you live in London." Kelsey internally face-palmed herself at how stupid her statement was.

     Of course he lives in London you idiot how else would he be sitting here right now.

    "Yeah, I do. How about you? You're clearly not from around here. What made you move from America to London?" Fionn innocently questioned. Kelsey took in a sharp, unnoticed by Fionn, breath upon hearing Fionn's question. She did not feel like indulging in her life in America which she left behind for very good reasons.

    "Uh ya'know wanted a change of scenery. The universities in London are great places for education. I moved with my best friend Alyssa about two years ago," Kelsey clarified without giving too many details about the life she wished to ignore.

    "Oh, well thank goodness you moved because I wouldn't have ever got the chance to meet such a pretty girl like you," Fionn stated causing a deep blush to inch up Kelsey's cheeks. She tried to hide the obvious color on her face by looking down into her coffee cup and taking a sip.

     Giving Fionn a small smile in return to his compliment Kelsey tried to gain the courage to continue their chit chat without being awkward . She is not one to start conversations and found it easier to build off of others when talking.

     "Do you go to school around here?"

     "Yeah I go to Skyline College near the other side of the city. It's about a twenty walk to my campus and my apartment is about fifteen minutes away from here," Fionn revealed. "Where do you go?"

    "I go to Enterprise University. It's three blocks away. I'm majoring in literature. I aspire to be a writer one day," Kelsey said looking into Fionn's eyes.

     Wow....His eyes are beautiful. Those glasses complement his features soooo well.

     "Kelsey?" Fionn said breaking her out of her stare. A blush gathered on her cheeks for the second time in the duration of this conversation once Kelsey realized Fionn caught her gazing at him. Fionn chuckled, and Kelsey found the sound heartwarming. "I was saying that I'm majoring in theater. I hope to be an actor someday. I know it sounds cliché but I've loved the idea of performing and being seen on a big screen since I was little."

    Kelsey couldn't withhold the smile on her face as Fionn described his dream.

    "Well Fionn, I hope that works out for you. I definitely would go to see any movie you premiere in." Kelsey hoped her statement wasn't weird, but her worries were washed away once Fionn sustained their conversation.

    "Well Kelsey, I hope writing works out for you. I definitely would read any book you write." Fionn glances at his watch and gathers his coffee cup and napkins he brought to the table. "Kelsey, it was great to see you again. Maybe I'll see you again tomorrow," Fionn said.

"Bye Fionn."


    After finishing her next chapter of her book as well as her latte Kelsey strolled towards the exit of The Last Drop to stop to say goodbye to her friend.

    "I saw you with him again," Alyssa whispered in Kelsey's ear causing the young girl to jump.

    "Holy shit Lys, you scared the crap outta me," Kelsey said.

    "That aside, you and Fionn managed to bump into each other again," Alyssa mentioned with a smirk.

    "Again, I promise you this was a coincidence. And before you say I'm coming here for him, I can assure you that I am not and won't ever be," Kelsey declared.

    "Whatever you say. Just know I don't believe you. Anyways as much as I wish I could pester you about this more I have to go back to work," Alyssa said.

    "Bye Lys, I'll see you tomorrow."

    As Kelsey pushed open the doors to the bustling London streets she couldn't help but think about the brown haired beauty who she would now classify as a friend.

    I'm not telling anyone this, but I really wish Fionn turns up once more tomorrow

     Unbeknownst to Kelsey, Fionn was already making plans to visit The Last Drop Cafe for only one reason: her.

heyy, i want to thank you all for still reading!  I love feedback so i'd gladly take it if you have some to give :))
(fyi the colleges that are mentioned in this chapter are not real lol)

The Last Drop Cafe // Fionn WhiteheadWhere stories live. Discover now