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     Shit, I'm late.

     Kelsey grasped ahold of her bag and jogged through the twists and turns of her campus to reach the parking lot.

     If I don't hurry up I'm gonna miss the time Fionn shows up.

Wait. What?

     Kelsey, finally arriving at her car, processed the fact she was basically running through her school to meet up with the person she was telling Alyssa she did not want to see.

     Maybe it's time you acknowledge the fact you do want meet up with him again.

     Kelsey shook her head at her thoughts realizing they were stupid.

     Just because he happened to stop by the café twice does not mean he will be there again. There is no need to overreact.

     Kelsey set her car into drive and drove the repeated route towards the coffee shop for no other reason than to catch Fionn. Kelsey didn't even order her habitual latte and instead traversed the café heading for her normal spot.

     Once Kelsey plopped herself down into a chair she became aware of the fact she had nothing to occupy herself with. She was so headset on getting to her table in time for Fionn she did not even order a coffee.

     Now if Fionn shows up I will look like a complete idiot.

     "Ugh," Kelsey groaned aloud. Kelsey decided just to mess around with her phone so Fionn won't think she is strange sitting at a table with nothing to do.

     Why am I even worried? He's not going to show up. I should probably just leave.

     Kelsey began to stand up when she heard someone talking to her.

     "What are the odds. Three days in a row."

     Holy crap he is actually here.

     "Oh and I took liberty of buying you a drink. Your friend, Alyssa, told me your favorite. A vanilla latte. She also mentioned you didn't order today but she saw you walk in."

     "Oh, um...thanks Fionn. I didn't order because...um...I wanted to get a table first. It's been quite busy...ya'know. Didn't want to lose my spot," Kelsey stammered through her words trying to cover for herself.

"Haha, alright," Fionn laughed as he took a sit. Kelsey smiled up at him happy that he was here, and Fionn reciprocated her smile.

"So, Kelsey. We've seen each other three days in a row and all I know about you is name, the school you're attending, and your future occupation. How about a round of 20 questions to get to know each other a little bit better?" Fionn suggested.

"Sure, that sounds like a fun idea." Kelsey couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach ahead of their conversation.

"Okay. I'll start. Favorite movie?" Fionn began.

     "I have a love for everything Disney. Especially Pixar. So honestly any Disney movie makes me just as happy as a four year old watching it," Kelsey described her adoration with the global brand. "Favorite food?"

     "Ooo, I'm gonna have to go with fried chicken. It's totally my guilty pleasure," Fionn stated.

     "That's a good choice. Fried chicken is great," Kelsey added with a laugh. Fionn smiled in response.

     "Do you have any siblings?"

     "I do. I have a younger sister and an older brother but we aren't close," Kelsey explained feeling a bit anxious mentioning her family. "Early bird or night owl?"

     "Of course a night owl. I hate getting up in the morning. I'm always so tired," Fionn disclosed.

     "Who doesn't hate mornings. Waking up is the absolute worse," Kelsey agreed.

     "My mate Harry is crazy in the mornings. I'm so confused how he can wake up at the crack of dawn and already have a boat load of energy," Fionn continued.


    Fourteen more questions and some laughs later, Fionn and Kelsey knew quite a bit about each other, although they were random facts. The two said goodbye and left the table.

     "I have a few minutes to talk because we have several things to discuss," Alyssa stopped Kelsey in her place.

     "Please don't bring up Fionn which I know most likely going to do," Kelsey attempted to plea. Kelsey's begging did far from faltering Alyssa on her mission to get information out of Kelsey.

"Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. Both of you were purposely trying to meet up even if you try to deny it," Alyssa spoke.

"I go to The Last Drop practically everyday. I haven't ever seen Fionn here before three days ago."

But maybe I like it when he's here with me.

"Kels, I saw the way you rushed inside the shop. You wanted to arrive in time for Fionn.
You didn't even order an actual coffee in a coffee shop because you were preoccupied," Alyssa said.

Figuring fighting it would be worse than admitting, Kelsey told Alyssa the truth, "Fine. You want the truth? Here it is: I think Fionn's pretty cute and I appreciate our meet-ups even if they are coincidental..."

"Oh my gosh. I was not expecting you to actually confess," Alyssa said with a laugh. "This is a conversation that is way longer than I have time for at work. I'll come over your place after my shift finishes in an hour and we can order takeout and just talk."

"Sounds like a plan. See you soon."

As Kelsey passed the exit she moved towards the nearest garbage can to throw out her disposable coffee cup. Just before the cup entered the trash Kelsey detected writing on the container.

     Taking a closer look Kelsey saw a name and a number written in black marker on side:


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