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     After two more dates together, at The Last Drop Café and out to a family oriented diner for dinner Kelsey and Fionn had planned to go out once again. Fionn found out about a carnival in a city about two hours away from where Fionn and Kelsey lived. Little to Kelsey's knowledge Fionn was planning something more than just a trip to a carnival. Kelsey choose to make a playlist for the two to listen to on their drive so they would have an enjoyable ride.

hey, i just arrived in your complex. im waiting in the car for you.

Once Kelsey read the text from Fionn she grabbed her purse and left her apartment after locking the door.

"Hello, love," Fionn spoke as Kelsey opened the passenger seat door. Kelsey leaned over the console to give Fionn a light kiss, an action Kelsey has been getting used to doing.

"You ready for the drive?" Fionn questioned Kelsey.

     "Hell yeah I am!" Kelsey enthusiastically stated, "I made a killer playlist to make the time pass."

"Sounds like fun," Fionn chuckled linking the pairs hands together.

     Tons of karaoke to several different styles of songs later, Fionn and Kelsey arrived at the carnival. They spent time enjoying the endless rows of games, which Fionn won Kelsey's a teddy bear from, and experiencing the thrill of riding some roller coasters.

     With the sun on its way to begin setting Fionn proposed an idea.

     "Do you want to ride the ferris wheel? It will give us a beautiful view of the sunset."

     "Uh...sure," Kesley hesitated a little unsure about the height.

     "I will be right there sitting right next to you. If you get scared I will comfort you," Fionn assured. Kelsey nodded her head and smiled at Fionn's sweet words.
The weaved their way through the crowds towards the tall carnival ride.

     "Two," Fionn told the ferris wheel operator. The two got situated inside the car and Kelsey grasped ahold of Fionn's hand tightly. Fionn chuckled as Kelsey's reaction but allowed her hold on as secure as she need it to be. As the car slowly moved Fionn pointed Kelsey in the direction of the sunset and they looked in awe.

     The car randomly jolted to a stop.

     "What is happening?" Kelsey nervously stated. She leaned forward to look causing the car to rock. Kelsey immediately sat back trying to move as little as possible.

     "Not to scare you or anything, but I think we are currently at the top," Fionn said wrapping his arm around Kelsey to pull her close. Kelsey buried her head into Fionn's shoulder silently praying the ride starts up again as soon as possible. Fionn took a breathe and thought of this as a perfect time to ask Kelsey the thing he has been waiting for all night.

     "Hey, Kels? I have something to important to ask you."

     Kelsey lifted her head out of Fionn's shoulder and connected eyes with Fionn. "Yeah?"

     "Um...well..." Fionn stammered. Kelsey blinked in Fionn's direction waiting for him to continue.

     "I'm to try to say this as simple as I can," Fionn spoke.

     Kelsey nodded not speaking until Fionn talked.

     "Kelsey Hawkins, will you be my girlfriend?" Fionn boldly asked staring into Kelsey's blue orbs.

     "Fionn Whitehead, I'd be honored to," Kelsey answered smiling as big as she possibly could. She wasn't sure if she even had words to express how happy she was at the moment.

     Once Fionn heard Kelsey's statement he pulled her close and brushed his fingertips across Kelsey's pale, smooth cheeks. Kelsey's hands wrapped around the back of Fionn's neck, intertwining her fingers with the loose hairs at the bottom. The two gazed into each other's eyes happily and the space between them instantly close.

     Their lips locked with the passion that both of them shared for each other. Kelsey and Fionn were so preoccupied they did not realize the ride began to move again.

     A tap on the side of their car broke the two out of their heated encounter. Fionn and Kelsey quickly scampered out of their car breathless from the past five minutes.

     The new couple's hands swung back and forth as they walked towards the entrance of carnival.
The two were in a pure euphoric state and nothing could tear them down.

their officialll!! im really excited about the things i have planned and hope you all continue to enjoy. if you have any questions or feedback feel free to comment below. (also, sorry this chapter's a little bit shorter than the others)

The Last Drop Cafe // Fionn WhiteheadWhere stories live. Discover now