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"Hey Wonwoo, you get another bike for me?"

"Yes," Wonwoo said simply as he threw the bike into the garage. "Where's my money Jun?"

"Here," Jun said and threw a small stack of money towards Wonwoo.

Wonwoo caught the money and looked threw it before sliding it in his pocket.

"Don't you have school?" Jun questioned as he picked the bike up and rolled it to a large bike rack.

"Jun, I was thinking that you should come back," Wonwoo said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You know I'm never going back," Jun said to Wonwoo as he pushed him out of the garage.

"But maybe-"

"Bye," Jun said with a smile as he shut the garage door on Wonwoo's face.

"Bastard," Wonwoo swore and shoved his hands in his pocket. He continued to make his way down the street towards hell.


"Mingyu! Mingyu!"

Mingyu jolted upwards and groaned a bit.

"Mingyu! Wake up!"

Mingyu looked up to see a short blond haired boy glaring back at him.

"Jihoon, let me sleep a little while longer," Mingyu said, covering his face with the blanket.

"Mingyu, you've got 10 minutes before you'll be late," Jihoon said and walked out of the room.

Mingyu glanced at the clock.

"Oh shit!" Mingyu swore.

He jumped out of bed and ran to his closet. He grabbed his uniform and struggled to get it on. He ran out of his room to the bathroom, brushed his teeth while struggling to tie the tie around his neck. He ran back to his room, shoved a few books into his backpack then ran out the of the dorm. He ran down the stairs and out of the building. He saw the small boy walking towards the school and ran after him.

"Yah!" Mingyu yelled.

Jihoon didn't stop walking but a smile appeared on his face. Mingyu caught up to him, panting.

"Three minutes, new record," Jihoon said with a half smile.

"You. Couldn't. Have waited?" Mingyu asked, trying to catch his breath as he walked next to Jihoon.

"Nope," Jihoon responded simply.

Mingyu rolled his eyes as they made their way to the school. Mingyu looked ahead to see a familiar dark haired boy. He knew exactly who it was. He ran ahead of Jihoon and went over to the boy.

"Hey, Wonwoo," Mingyu said with a small smile.

Wonwoo glared at Mingyu before walking faster. Mingyu just stopped in his tracks looking at the boy with confusion.

"I don't know why you keep trying," Jihoon said walking past Mingyu.

Mingyu started to walk along side Jihoon once again.

"I know he's in there somewhere," Mingyu said sadly. "He wasn't always like this you know, he us-"

"Use to be such a sweet boy, I know, you say this every morning," Jihoon said rolling his eyes.

"Oh, sorry," Mingyu apologized.

"I don't care, let's just get to class," Jihoon said walking a bit faster. Mingyu followed.


"Mingyu, have you seen Vernon?" A boy with wide eyes asked him.

"Uh, no I haven't Seungkwan," Mingyu said to the boy.

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