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"Jun open up!" Wonwoo yelled as he banged on the garage door.

The garage door slid up and revealed a very angry looking Jun.

"What the hell do you want?" Jun asked.

"I've got you something," Wonwoo said with wide eyes.

Jun rolled his eyes into the back of his head with a sigh. Wonwoo ran around the corner and rolled over Mingyu's bike. Jun's eyes widened.

"A motorcycle?!" Jun questioned with surprise. "How?!"

"It doesn't matter how, will you take it?" Wonwoo asked.

"Of course I'll take it," Jun said taking the bike from Wonwoo and rolling it into the garage.

Jun came back out and handed Wonwoo some money. Wonwoo counted it.

"This is it?" Wonwoo asked.

"I'm running low on money right now," Jun said to him.

"Jun, this bike is worth way more than this," Wonwoo said.

"Look, I'll get you more later, but right now that's all your getting," Jun said as he went into the garage and examined the bike. "Wow this is brand new."

"Yeah I know," Wonwoo said looking down.



"Jihoon! Where are you right now?" Mingyu asked over the phone.

"On the train, going into Seoul. Why?"

"Cause my bike just got stolen."

"Why are you calling me?"

"I don't know, cause I didn't know who else to call."


"Jihoon?" Mingyu questioned, but he had already hung up.

He put his phone away and continued walking back to the dorm. He was going to kill Wonwoo for taking his bike.


"Oh, Mingyu," the boy answered not very amused to see him.

"Hey Jisoo. Jeonghan here?" Mingyu asked.

"Hi Mingyu," Jeonghan said with a smile as he came up behind Jisoo.

"I'm leaving," Jisoo said as he walked past Mingyu and out of the dorm.

"What's up with him?" Mingyu asked as he walked into Jeonghan's room.

"I don't know," Jeonghan said simply as he made his way over to the table that already had school stuff on it.

"What are we studying today?" Mingyu asked as he sat down on the floor across from Jeonghan. The small table and texts books between them.

"I really need help with algebra, this doesn't make any sense to me," Jeonghan said pouting a bit.

"Well, I'll try my best to explain it," Mingyu said with a warm smile as he opened the text book.



Wonwoo sighed and stopped walking. He turned around to meet eyes with the one person he didn't want to see.

"My money," the boy said.

Wonwoo took the money from his pocket and handed it to the boy. The boy snatched it from Wonwoo's hand and smirked.

"Your lucky," the boy said and pushed Wonwoo down. He leaned down to Wonwoo and grabbed him by the collar. "I don't have to beat your ass."

Wonwoo just glared at him as he stood up straight and walked away.

'Fucking bastard,' Wonwoo thought as he slowly got up.


"Do you finally get it now?" Mingyu asked.

"Yeah I think so," Jeonghan said. "But there is one thing I don't get."

"Hm? What's that?" Mingyu asked with wide eyes.

"Why you haven't asked me out yet?" Jeonghan asked with a smirk.

"Oh well, you know the timing just isn't right right now and I don't think it's the best ti-"

"It's fine I get it, you're in love with Wonwoo," Jeonghan said as he leaned back on his hands.

Mingyu's heart stopped.

"N-n-no I'm not," Mingyu said to him.

"Stop lying your the only one who acctually tries to talk to him. I don't know why you try with him if you could have something better," Jeonghan said as he bit his lip slightly.

"I'm not in love with him," Mingyu said again as he got up from the floor.

"Wait Mingyu," Jeonghan said getting up too. "Don't leave. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

Mingyu stopped at the door, his hand on the handle.

"Please can you just wait till Seunkwan or Jisoo get back? I hate being alone," Jeonghan said sadly.

Mingyu let out a sigh.

"Fine," Mingyu said letting go of the handle.

"Why do you care so much for Wonwoo anyways?" Jeonghan asked as he sat down on his bed.

"Well, we use to be friends," Mingyu said as he sat down next to Jeonghan. "I said we'd be best friends forever so I'm going to keep that promise."

"Oh," Jeonghan said sadly. "I never had a friend like that. People always left me. I guess that's why I don't want to be left alone," Jeonghan said with a nervous smile.

"It's alright," Mingyu said as he put an arm around Jeonghan.

"Mingyu, I like you," Jeonghan confessed. "I like you more than a friend and I have for awhile now."

"Oh, is that so?" Mingyu questioned, his arm still around Jeonghan.

"Yeah and I know you probably don't like me back," Jeonghan said sadly.

"I'm sorry Jeonghan, I only see you as a friend," Mingyu told the boy.

"That's okay," Jeonghan said. "Can you just hold me for a little while longer?"

"Yeah, I can do that," Mingyu said as he pulled Jeonghan closer to him.


Wonwoo got to his dorm and let out a sigh. The one small bed in the corner wasn't made, and dirty laundry scattered the floor. Wonwoo collapsed on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Look Mingyu! I found a frog," the small boy said.

"Ah!" Mingyu screamed and fell over. "Why does it look like that?"

The frog in the boy's hands was small with a big head, big eyes, and a missing leg.

"I don't know," the boy said shrugging. "I dare you to eat it."

"No!" Mingyu squealed and got up from the ground.

"I can put salt on it," the boy suggested getting up as well and shoving the frog closer to Mingyu's face.

"No! Stay away from me Wonwoo," Mingyu squealed as he ran away.

"Mingyu come back!" Wonwoo yelled as he ran after Mingyu with the weird frog still in his hands.

They were eight back then. Not a single care in the world. Not even a worry. Wonwoo felt a tear fall from the corner of his eye, and down his face.

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