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"Hey Mingyu," a boy with a bright and sweet smile said to him.

"Oh, Jeonghan, hi," Mingyu said nervously. He looked back and Wonwoo was gone from his sight. 'Damn it!' He thought in his head.

"I was wondering if you had any plans after school, I was hoping you could help me study," Jeonghan said, slightly biting his lip.

"Um, sure I guess, but why me?" Mingyu asked with confusion.

"You are one of the smartest students in class," Jeonghan said putting a hand on Mingyu's shoulder, standing on his toes to get to Mingyu's eye level. "And I heard you're a really good teacher."

"Sure, I can help you study. We can meet in the library later today," Mingyu suggested with a smile.

"Actually I was hoping you could come to my dorm around six," Jeonghan said, batting his eyelashes at Mingyu.

"That's fine too, I'll see you later," Mingyu said as he started to walk down the hall, away from Jeonghan.

"Bye," Jeonghan said with a warm smile and a small wave.

Mingyu shook his head and made his way out of the school. Classes were over for him for the day and he wanted to get some spicy meat. He went over to his motorcycle that was parked out front and grabbed the helmet that was resting on it. He put it over his head and started the bike, driving off.


"Hey Wonwoo," a tall boy called.

Wonwoo ignored the boy and kept walking but the boy had other ideas.

"Hey! I was talking to you!" The boy yelled, his two friends behind him.

Wonwoo took a deep breath and stopped in his tracks.

"Do you have my money?" The boy asked.

Wonwoo turned around and looked down at his shoes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the money stack Jun gave him earlier. The boy snatched the money and counted it quickly.

"This isn't enough," the boy said.

Wonwoo's eyes widened, but he never looked up.

"Where's the rest fucker?" Another boy asked.

Wonwoo said nothing. His heart started to beat faster and before he knew it he ran. He dropped his bag and ran as fast as he could.

"Get him!" He heard one of the yell.

He could hear their footsteps chasing after him. He was scared. He was so scared.


"Mingyu!" The man exclaimed. "How have you been?"

"Jungsoo hyung! I've been pretty good," Mingyu said as he leaned against the counter of the restaurant.

"You've got a girlfriend yet?" Jungsoo asked.

"No, not yet," Mingyu said with a chuckle. "I don't want a girlfriend, I want to focus on my studies."

"I wish my sons were more like you, they'd bring home a girl every night I swear to god," Jungsoo said.

"They're young, it happens," Mingyu told the man.

"So, the usual?" Jungsoo questioned.

"You know it," Mingyu said with a smile.

Jungsoo smiled back and went to make Mingyu's usual order. Mingyu waited for a little while for his order, and as he waited, he thought about Wonwoo. It made him a little sad that Wonwoo wouldn't talk to him anymore. He wished he could help the boy.

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