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"Wonwoo I swear to god, put me down!" Minghao squealed as he hit Wonwoo's back aggresivly.

Wonwoo didn't say anything. He just kept walking while holding Minghao on his shoulder.

"I fucking hate you," Minghao mumbled.

Wonwoo came around the corner, to the familiar garage door. He put Minghao down, holding his arms behind his back, a tight grip on his wrist. Wonwoo kicked the door with his foot twice.

"He's really living here now? What a dump," Minghao said with an irritated look.

Wonwoo didn't say anything to him.

The garage door flew open to reveal Jun, a small smile on his face.

"You acctually brought him," Jun said to him.

"Our deal," Wonwoo said with no emotion.

"Wait? Deal?! What deal?!" Minghao questioned with a bit of fear.

"Yeah I know, just hand over the boy," Jun said with his hand out.

Wonwoo glared at Jun as he slowly guided Minghao towards the tall boy. Jun grabbed Minghao and smiled a bit.

"I'll be right back," Jun said as he dragged Minghao into the building.

Wonwoo waited there for a second, kicking the tiny rocks on the ground. It wasn't too long before Jun came back, without Minghao. He grabbed the bike and pushed it to Wonwoo.

"Here, take it and go," Jun said to him.

Wonwoo took the bike from Jun.

"What are you going to do to him?" Wonwoo asked, a little concerned for the boy.

"Don't worry about it," Jun said with a smirk as he closed the garage door with a loud bang.

Wonwoo looked down and dragged the bike along. He turned the infamous corner when he looked up and saw Mingyu.

Wonwoo froze when he saw the boy stomping up to him, along side Seungcheol.

"Wonwoo!" Seungcheol yelled as he started to run.

Wonwoo was scared, terrified, but he didn't run away, he stayed still, watching the two get closer and closer to him.

"Where's Minghao?" Seungcheol asked, panting.

Wonwoo didn't say anything. He just looked down. He pushed the bike past Seungcheol and towards Mingyu.

Mingyu looked at Wonwoo with confusion.

"I got your bike back," Wonwoo said without looking up.

Mingyu looked at the bike and then back at Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo, where is Minghao?" Mingyu asked.

Seungcheol watched with wide eyes, not sure what kind of vibe was coming from the two.

Wonwoo didn't look up once, and just pointed to the bike shop.

"Is he in there?" Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo glanced up at Mingyu with a cold stare. He nodded.

Seungcheol was in shock that Wonwoo acctually answered Mingyu, but he shook it off and ran to the garage door around the corner.

Mingyu kept staring at Wonwoo not sure if he should be mad or glad that the boy got his bike back.

"You son of a bitch," Seungcheol said from around the corner, along with the faint sound of a punch.

Mingyu's eyes widened and he ran over to see Seungcheol's angry face and Jun on the ground, holding the side of his cheek.

"You fucking bastard! Where is Minghao?" Seungcheol asked, looking down at Jun.

"Relax, he's fine," Jun said to him. "I'll have him home by 11."

"You think this is funny?" Seungcheol asked with anger, about to attack Jun again, but Mingyu grabbed him.

"Seungcheol, calm down," Mingyu said, holding Seungcheol back.

"He really is fine," Jun said getting up from the ground.

"I want to see him," Seungcheol said, calming down a bit.

"Fine, I'll be back," Jun said and left them alone.

Seungcheol pushed Mingyu off him and went back around the corner to see if Wonwoo was still there, but he was gone, the only thing there was the motorcycle.

"Damn it, I was going to kick that guys ass," Seungcheol said, punching his fist.

Mingyu just looked down at his bike.

'Did he really care that much?' Mingyu thought to himself.


Wonwoo slammed the door to his dorm and collapsed on his bed.

'Everyone is going to hate me even more now,' Wonwoo thought.

He felt so alone, he hated this.

'They already hate you dumbass,' the voice told Wonwoo.

Wonwoo did his best to ignore it. He just wanted to sleep, and never wake up.

"Ah, ah, ah," Wonwoo heard his mother's cries through the walls.

His hands covered his ears, trying not to listen. He hated the noise. His eyes were tightly shut as he tried not to cry, he was only nine. He was scared but he could feel himself getting up from the bed. His body shaking, as he slowly lowered his hands from his ears. He opened the bedroom door as he continued to hear his mother's cries. He made his way down the hallway, his footsteps made the wood floor creak a little. He faced the door to his parent's room.

His shaky hand lifted to the handle and turned it, pushing the bedroom door slowly. He saw the blankets on the bed moving up and down, and his mother moaning a little more clearly.

"Eomma, appa," Wonwoo said sadly. "You're being too loud."

The bed stopped moving and his father looked back at him with anger. He got up from the bed, adjusting his cock back into his boxers, he made his way over to Wonwoo, and glared down at him.

"Wonwoo, you little shit, go back to your room," his dad said with anger.

Wonwoo ignored his dad and went over to his mom, who was lying in bed helplessly with the blankets covering her bruised and naked body.

"Eomma, are you okay?" Wonwoo asked, but suddenly his wrist was grabbed by a hand much bigger than his own.

"Your mom is fine, let's go back to your room," his dad said as he pulled Wonwoo to the door.

"Don't hurt him Joonhyuk," Wonwoo heard his mom say softly, her voice sounding shaky.

"Shut up Jihyun," Joonhyuk said.

Wonwoo looked up at Joonhyuk and tried to get out of the man's grip, but he slapped the boy across the face.

"You're gonna get it now," Joonhyuk said sternly, pulling Wonwoo along.

Wonwoo gasped as he jolted upwards. His breathing was heavy and he felt his heart rate increase. He let out a sigh when he relized it was just a dream. He never wanted to relive that day again, or any day from his childhood. It was just too painful.

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