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"Hey Jeonghan," Jisoo said coming through the door. Mingyu and Jeonghan both separated quickly. "Oh Mingyu is still here."

"Acctually I'm leaving now," Mingyu said as he got up from the bed. "I'll see you later Jeonghan."

"Bye Mingyu," Jeonghan said with a small smile.

Mingyu grabbed his bag and walked out past Jisoo who was glaring at him.

Mingyu left awkwardly and made his way to his own dorm. He passed by Wonwoo's door and stopped. He stared at the door for a minute, not knowing if he wanted to knock or not.  He slowly lifted his hand and balled it into a fist.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa," a boy said grabbing Mingyu's wrist. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, seeing if Wonwoo is home," Mingyu said with wide eyes.

"Why?" The boy asked with confusion.

"Because he stole my bike," Mingyu said to him.

"I'll save you the trouble of knocking. He either won't answer or he'll open the door, glare at you and close it without saying a word."

"Seungcheol, what do you know?" Mingyu questioned and knocked anyways.

They waited for a minute but there was no answer.

"I told you," Seungcheol said.

"What ever Seungcheol," Mingyu said and stormed off to his dorm.


Wonwoo heard the knock and covered his ears. He could hear the muffled voices from outside his room. A tear fell down his cheek as he rocked back and forth.

'Wonwoo sweetie, you know how worthless you are right?' The voice in his head asked.

Wonwoo shook his head trying to ignore it.

'Mingyu won't talk to you ever again after he finds out you sold his bike, then no one will talk to you ever and you'll be all alone.'

Wonwoo tried his best to not listen to the voice, but he couldn't help and believe it.

'Worthless piece of shit.'

Wonwoo laid down on his bed and started to silently cry. No one would ever hear him.


Mingyu opened the door and saw Jihoon reading a book on his bed.

"Hey Mingyu, how are you?" Jihoon asked.

"I don't know Jihoon, I lost my fucking bike. How do you think I feel?" Mingyu questioned with sarcasm in his voice.

"Oh sorry, I forgot," Jihoon said going back to his book.

Mingyu sighed and dropped his bag on the ground. He climbed the ladder of the bunk bed and laid down on the top.

"Jihoon," Mingyu said softly.


"Have you ever cared about some one so much that you couldn't stay away from them and you couldn't be mad at them for anything because you just love and care about them too much?" Mingyu asked.

"Um, no I haven't, not that much," Jihoon said simply.

"Oh," Mingyu said as he turned to his side. "Hey Jihoon, have you ever been in love?"

There was a moment of silent before Mingyu heard Jihoon move in his bed.

"I'm going to sleep, shut the light off," Jihoon mumbled.

Mingyu sighed and got up to turn the light off. He laid back down and started thinking. About Wonwoo.


"Four minutes, you got to do better," Jihoon said as Mingyu came painting behind him.

"I. Know," Mingyu said, trying to catch his breath.

Mingyu looked up and saw a dark haired boy up ahead. He ran over to him. He put a hand on Wonwoo's shoulder and spun him around.

"Jeon Wonwoo, how dare-" Mingyu stopped to see Wonwoo's terrified face.

"Wonwoo are you okay?" Mingyu asked the boy who had his knees to his chest and his head down.

"Go away Mingyu," Wonwoo said with a muffled sniffle.

"What happened?" Mingyu asked as he crouched down in front of Wonwoo. He put a hand on Wonwoo's shoulder and he looked up instantly. Fear was plastered on his face.

Wonwoo's fear turned to anger in a heart beat. He jerked his shoulder away from Mingyu and walked off, but Mingyu followed him.

"Uh, excuse me, where is my bike?" Mingyu asked as they walked into the school.

Wonwoo didn't say a word.

"Wonwoo, I swear to god what did you do to my bike?" Mingyu asked again.

Again Wonwoo said nothing and continued walking to his class.

"Hey," Mingyu said to Wonwoo before he walked into his class.


Mingyu looked over to see Seungkwan running over to him.

"Jesus, Seungkwan, I haven't seen Vernon," Mingyu said with an eye roll.

"No, I know where kitty is today," Seungkwan said. "I came to give you this."

Seungkwan handed Mingyu a red envelope that had a heart sticker sealing it.

"Who is it from?" Mingyu asked taking it.

"That's a secret," Seungkwan said with a smirk before skipping away.

Mingyu opened the envelope and inside was a note:

Today after school come meet me in the far end of the field, I need to ask you something.

Mingyu shrugged. He didn't know who sent it but it wasn't uncommon for him to get letters like this from an unknown sender.


Mingyu made his way across the field where sport teams were already beginning to practice. Some people said hi to him and waved, asking him why he wasn't playing. He was one of the most popular kids at the all boys bording school, mostly because of his good looks.

Mingyu saw someone sitting in the grass of the field. He walked up to the person and tapped his head. A boy looked up at him with wide eyes and flowers in his hair.

"Did you call me out here Soonyoung?" Mingyu asked.

"Uh yeah," Soonyoung said as he stood up quickly.

"Well, what did you want to ask me," Mingyu asked with a smirk.

"Um, I wanted to ask," Soonyoung said nervously as he looked down at his feet. "If you would want to go on a date with me?"

"Sure, when and where?" Mingyu asked.

Soonyoung looked up quickly.

"R-r-really?" Soonyoung questioned with wide eyes.

"Yeah, why not, it could be fun," Mingyu said with a smile. "We could go bowling or the arcade."

"You decide, I don't care where we go," Soonyoung said, getting lost in Mingyu's eyes.

"Okay, well let me think about it, I have your number right?"

"Yeah," Soonyoung responded.

Mingyu smiled and rustled the boy's hair.

"You're kind of cute, you know that?" Mingyu questioned.

Soonyoung just stared in amazement.

"I'll see you later," Mingyu said and turned to leave.

"Bye," Soonyoung said softly as Mingyu walked away.

Mingyu shook his head as he walked off the field. He saw someone in the distance with dark hair. He could have sworn it was Wonwoo. He ran to follow him.

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