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"Mingyu, what are you doing?" Wonwoo asked looking down at the boy who was playing in the dirt.

Mingyu looked up at Wonwoo squinting his eyes from the sun that was beating down on the earth. He smiled at the ten-year-old and looked back down at the dirt.

"I'm trying to catch a snake," Mingyu said as he poked a small hole in the ground with a stick.

"Why?" Wonwoo asked as he crouched down next to Mingyu.

"Cause I want to," Mingyu said with sass as he continued to poke the ground.

"Kim Mingyu, you're so weird," Wonwoo said with an eye roll as he watched Mingyu try to lure the snake out.

"I know," Mingyu said with a toothy smile.

Wonwoo woke up in his bed. He groaned a bit just wishing he had a little more time with Mingyu back then. He loved him, in fact, he still loves him.


"Jihoon," Mingyu whispered. "Jihoon."

Jihoon turned in his sleep and let out a small whine.

"Jihoon, wake up," Mingyu said a little louder and tapped Jihoon's arm.

"Ugh, Mingyu," Jihoon groaned as he sat up a bit and rubbed his eyes, his hair a mess. "What time is it?"

"4 am," Mingyu responded.

Jihoon glared at Mingyu and laid back down, covering his head with a blanket.

"No no, I need to talk to you," Mingyu said as he tried to rip the blankets off the small boy.

"What do you want?" Jihoon said as he lifted the blankets down, looking at Mingyu with sleepy eyes.

"I need to talk to you about Wonwoo," Mingyu said seriously.

"Why the hell would I want to listen to that?" Jihoon asked.

"Just, hear me out," Mingyu said as Jihoon turned on his side fully. "I think I might like him."

"Like, like like him?" Jihoon asked as he started to sit up more.

Mingyu just nodded his head with a small smile.

"Don't," Jihoon said sternly.

"I can't help it," Mingyu said sadly.

"Well you can't," Jihoon said, starting to get a little more upset.

"Why not?" Mingyu asked a little confused on why Jihoon was so upset.

"Because," Jihoon started, but stopped himself. He narrowed his eyes at Mingyu with anger. "Because I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be fine," Mingyu said with his famous smile.

Jihoon almost instantly went soft for it.

"Whatever," Jihoon said as he turned over. "Wake me up in an hour."

"Okay," Mingyu said as he left Jihoon alone. He couldn't stop thinking about Wonwoo.


"Hey Mingyu, I heard you're coming bowling," Vernon said as he came up behind Mingyu who's mind was long gone.

"Oh yeah," Mingyu said softly, leaning against his bike.

"You seem a little off, is everything alright?" Vernon asked with a bit of worry.

"I'm good," Mingyu said with a reassuring smile as he stood up straight. "Let's just get going."

"Alright, let's go get Seungkwan and Soonyoung," Vernon said with a smile. 

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