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Mingyu opened the door to see Jihoon sitting on his bed, playing his guitar.

"Jihoon," Mingyu said softly, causing the small boy to look up at him. "Can-"

"No, no, no, absolutely not," Jihoon said, knowing exactly what Mingyu was going to ask.

"Please Jihoon, only for one night," Mingyu said, Wonwoo still on his side, almost completely passed out.

"Fine, but I'm not staying," Jihoon said, putting his guitar down and getting up.

Mingyu sighed as Jihoon left the dorm, obviously angry with him. Mingyu shook it off and brought Wonwoo to the bed, laying him down gently.

"Why'd you help me?" Wonwoo asked softly.

"Cause, I care about you," Mingyu said to him.

"Why?" Wonwoo questioned. 

"Because, you were always there for me," Mingyu told the boy.

"You shouldn't care about me anymore," Wonwoo said as he tried to get up, but Mingyu stopped him.

"Please don't go," Mingyu said with upset eyes. "Just stay with me."

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu, feeling warmth in his heart, but suddenly getting reminded of the past.

"I got your note," Mingyu said. "I still remember the day we found that frog."

"It was an ugly frog," Wonwoo said with a chuckle, suddenly wincing in pain.

"Where does it hurt," Mingyu asked with concern.

"My chest," Wonwoo said as he laid down. "But I'll be okay."

"What happened up there?" Mingyu questioned.

"I had to deliver something for Jun and turns out it was my bullies who were getting the package, so they beat me," Wonwoo explained.

"I'm sorry," Mingyu said sadly.

"I don't care," Wonwoo said with annoyance.

Mingyu sat on the bed awkwardly next to Wonwoo.

"Why do you hate me?" Mingyu asked sadly.

Wonwoo froze at Mingyu's words.

"You used to-"

"Don't," Wonwoo said interrupting Mingyu.


"Just shut up," Wonwoo said with irritation in his voice.

Mingyu looked down sadly as he was about to get up but Wonwoo grabbed his hand tightly. Mingyu turned and looked at Wonwoo quickly with surprise.

"Just lay with me," Wonwoo said softly.

Mingyu smirked a bit as he laid down and faced Wonwoo, their hands holding each others.

"I don't hate you Mingyu," Wonwoo said softly, closing his eyes, feeling sleep creep up on him. "I love you."


"Wonwoo," a lady called.

Wonwoo looked over to see a woman standing in the doorway.

"Mingyu is here to see you," she said to him.

Wonwoo let out a sigh. He hasn't seen Mingyu in months. He got up from the bed and made his way over to the doorway, as the women lead Wonwoo down to the lobby.

Wonwoo had his head down the entire way down the stairs until they finally got to the lobby.

Mingyu ran up to Wonwoo and looked at him with sad eyes.

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