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"What's the favor?" Wonwoo asked as he stood in front of Jun.

"I need you to deliver a package," Jun told the boy.

"What is it?" Wonwoo asked as Jun went into the garage to find the package.

"Just something, here's the place," Jun said coming back with a small box and a note that had an address on it.

"Okay," Wonwoo said simply.

"They'll give you money, and you bring that money to me then I'll pay you," Jun explained.

"Okay," Wonwoo said again.

Jun just nodded before shutting the garage door.

Wonwoo let out a sigh as he made his way to the address.


"Hey Mingyu, what's that?" Jihoon asked as he saw Mingyu looking down at the paper frog.

"It was on the door," Mingyu said simply.

"Why?" Jihoon asked.

"I think it's from Wonwoo," Mingyu said as he continued to look at the frog.

"But why?" Jihoon asked again.

"I don't know," Mingyu said, but then he noticed something. It looked like writing He started to unfold the frog and saw the note.

Mingyu, I'm sorry I've been such a dick lately, I was just trying to get you out of my life because you remind me too much of the past, but you never did leave, and I never understood why I just hope you're not mad at me. If you're not then maybe we should hang out sometime, I'm doing a job for Jun right now but definitely, let me know.


Mingyu couldn't believe his eyes. He honestly thought it was a joke.

"What is it?" Jihoon asked as he looked up at Mingyu with confusion.

Mingyu looked at Jihoon with a surprised expression before running out of the room quickly.

He needed to find him.


Wonwoo looked up at the old building with a bit of confusion. He looked down at the box and then back up at the building. He let out a sigh and walked towards the building. He opened the door and found the stairwell, walking up to the fifth floor. He got there and went into one of the empty rooms that was numbered 516, which was written on the paper.

No one was in the room.

Wonwoo took out his phone and called Jun.

"Yeah? What?"

"There's no one here."

"They'll be there okay."

"What's in here anyway?"

"It's not important, just wait another five minutes, if they're not there tell me."

"You owe me for this."

"Yeah, yeah, I know."


Wonwoo put his phone into his pocket. He waited for another minute before he started to hear voices. Familiar voices.

Wonwoo couldn't figure out who it was, but he knew he's heard the voices before.

"Just relax Minki, I do this all th-" a voice said before coming into the room and seeing Wonwoo.

Caged {meanie} ✅Where stories live. Discover now