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"Oh my god, Minghao," Seungcheol said with a sigh of relife as he went over and hugged the boy.

"Seungcheol, what are you doing here?" Minghao asked with a head tilt.

"What to you mean? I'm here to save you, let's go," Seungcheol said about to grab the boy but he backed away.

"I'm fine, Jun just wants to talk about things," Minghao said avoiding eye contact with Seungcheol.

"But I thought Wonwoo took you against your will," Seungcheol said a little confused.

"He did but, I'm okay now honest," Minghao responded as he rubbed his arm.

"Are you done yet?" Jun asked with a bit of annoyance.

"Are you sure you're safe?" Seungcheol asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Yes, don't worry about me," Minghao said with a reasurring smile.

"Okay," Seungcheol responded. "Jun you better have him back tonight."

"I will, just leave," Jun said pointing outside.

"Okay, let's go Mingyu," Seungcheol said walking out of the garage and around the corner.

Mingyu followed and got on his bike, starting it up as Seungcheol hopped on the back, the only thing on Mingyu's mind was Wonwoo.


"I'll see you later Seungcheol," Mingyu said with a small smile.

Seungcheol glared at Mingyu as he got off the bike.

"I'm still mad at you," Seungcheol said with a bit of anger, tripping over the curb a little.

Mingyu held back his laughter as he got off his bike that was now returned to him. He was a little worried about Wonwoo though, he wanted to know why he left.

The tall boy made his way towards the dorms when he heard voices nearby. He looked around and followed the noises he heard. He saw a boy getting picked on by a much taller one and instantly took action.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Mingyu yelled running over to the guy who was kicking the boy on the ground.

The tall boy saw Mingyu and ran off, leaving the other on the ground injured.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Mingyu asked running over to the boy who's nose was bleeding a bit.

"Yeah," the boy said. "I'm okay."

Mingyu's eyes widened when he realized who it was.

"Seokmin! What happened? Why was he picking on you?" Mingyu asked with concern.

"Oh, it's nothing really," Seokmin said, wiping the blood from his nose.

"Here let me take you back to your dorm," Mingyu said as he helped the boy to his feet.

"Thank you," Seokmin said with a weak smile.


"Oh my god, Seokmin!" Soonyoung exclaimed when he opened the door to the dorm.

"Hey Soonyoung," Seokmin said to the boy, smiling even though he was in pain.

"What happened?" Soonyoung said as he looked at Seokmin's wounds with concern. "Did those kids beat you up again?"

"Yeah, but it's okay," Seokmin told the boy.

Soonyoung finally noticed that Mingyu was standing in the door way as well, a hand on Seokmin's shoulder. Soonyoung's face flushed red.

"Oh, Mingyu," Soonyoung said feeling shy. "Did you help Seokmin out?"

"Yeah, make sure he rest," Mingyu said as Seokmin lazily made his way into the dorm.

"I will don't worry," Soonyoung said with a nervous smile. "Um, hey Mingyu."

"Yeah?" Mingyu asked, ready to walk back to his own dorm ready to get scolded by Jihoon.

"Do you think you'd want to go bowling this Saturday with Vernon and Seungwan?" Soonyoung asked, expecting a decline.

Mingyu smiled at the boy.

"Of course I'll go, I love bowling," Mingyu said as he rustled Soonyoung's hair.

Soonyoung's eyes filled with happiness.

"I'll see you later," Mingyu said as he walked down the hall, going to the stairs and walking up to his floor.

He got to his dorm room and walked in.

"Kim Mingyu!" Jihoon yelled. "Where have you been?"

"I was with Seungcheol making sure Minghao was okay and then I helped Seokmin get away from a bully," Mingyu explained as he collapsed on the sofa.

"Oh," Jihoon said, regretting his decision to yell at the tall boy. "Well, Jisoo was looking for you earlier."

"Oh he was? What did he want?" Mingyu asked, turning his head to Jihoon.

"He didn't say but he just needed to talk to you," Jihoon said.

"I'll find him tomorrow," Mingyu said, wondering what Jisoo wanted.


Mingyu was standing in the empty classroom that Friday afternoon, looking out the window while Jisoo stood about ten feet away.

"Mingyu, I've got to tell you something," Jisoo said looking down.

Mingyu was sitting on a desk as he turned his attention to Jisoo.

"What is it?" Mingyu asked with a head tilt.

"I like you, will you go out with me?" Jisoo said rather quickly.

Mingyu smiled a bit and got up from his seat, making his way closer to Jisoo.

"I'll go on a date with you, but I can't promise anything after that," Mingyu told the boy.

Jisoo looked up at Mingyu with wide eyes.

"Sure," Jisoo said getting flustered around Mingyu.

Mingyu smiled and glanced at the window, he saw Wonwoo walking off campus.

"Uh hey, I'll call you," Mingyu said as he made his way out of the room. "Got to go."

Jisoo just watched as Mingyu ran out of the classroom quickly.


Wonwoo just walked with his hands in his pockets. His music blasted in his head phones as he just tried to calm down. Life was stressing him right out.

Suddenly he felt a hand touch his shoulder, causing him to almost scream.

"Wonwoo," Mingyu said softly as Wonwoo moved the headphones to his neck, off his ears.

"What do you want?" Wonwoo asked angerly.

Mingyu's eyes widened with a bit of surprise, not thinking Wonwoo would respond.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd respond," Mingyu said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Why'd you get my bike back?"

"Cause," Wonwoo mumbled as he looked down at his feet.

"Cause why?" Mingyu questioned.

Wonwoo's eyebrows furrowed as he continued to look down, he didn't want to respond. He glanced up at Mingyu before turning around and walking quickly away.

"Hey! Wonwoo!" Mingyu called, but he didn't go after the boy, and the boy didn't stop.

'Damn it,' Mingyu cursed. 'He can give me my bike back but not my heart.'

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