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Wonwoo made his way down the street. His head down, his hands shoved deep into his sweatshirt pockets. He had no idea that Mingyu was following him. He turned a corner and faced a very familiar garage door. He sighed and banged on it like usual.

It slid open, revealing Jun who rolled his eyes when he saw Wonwoo.

"What now?" Jun asked with annoyance.

"I made a mistake, I need the motorcycle back," Wonwoo said to him.

"Then give me back the money," Jun said holding out his hand.

"Well you see the thing is that I don't have it any more so," Wonwoo started.

Jun started to close the door.

"Wait! But I'll make a deal with you," Wonwoo said abruptly.

"What's the deal?" Jun asked, raising the door again.

"Um, I," Wonwoo started, looking down at the ground.

Jun took in a breath, his eyes rolling in the back of his head and he shut the door.

"No wait! Jun!" Wonwoo cried as he hit the garage door. "Fuck you!"

Wonwoo put his hands in his pockets again and turned around, only to run into Mingyu.

Wonwoo's eyes widened when he looked up to see the boy looking down at him.

"You sold my bike?" Mingyu questioned with anger in his voice.

Wonwoo said nothing and walked away from Mingyu, but Mingyu followed him.

"Wonwoo, talk to me," Mingyu said behind the boy. "Are you still fucking upset about your dad cause that's a stupid reason to shut me out."

Wonwoo turned around and pushed Mingyu to the ground, Mingyu looking up at Wonwoo in shock.

"Don't fucking talk about my dad!" Wonwoo almost screamed before running away.

Mingyu just looked confused.


Mingyu opened the door to his dorm and slammed it shut. Jihoon jumped from the sudden loud noise.

"What's wrong with you?" Jihoon asked from the floor.

"Wonwoo, that's what," Mingyu said as he fell on the couch in their dorm.

"What did he do now?" Jihoon asked.

"He sold my bike," Mingyu said with anger. "Then he pushed me cause I mentioned his dad."

"What happened with his dad?"

Mingyu paused for a minute.

"I shouldn't say," Mingyu said sitting up.

"Whatever," Jihoon said with an eye roll. "Just stop trying with him, he dropped you so drop him, he doesn't deserve you."

Mingyu looked at Jihoon with confusion.

"Why do you care anyways?" Mingyu asked.

"I don't," Jihoon said. "But, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry, the only person who's going to get hurt is Wonwoo," Mingyu said as he thought about the boy.


'Wonwoo baby, why are you crying?' The voice in his head asked as the rain fell on his head. 'He's right you know, it is your dad.'

Wonwoo stopped in his tracks as he looked down into the puddle showing his blurry reflection.

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