Miles away the lighthouse sits on the hill.
The light tearing through the veil of darkness
Once the sun goes down and our paths are obscured,
The revolving light swings past so we can view the outline
Of our lost way.Briefly, you are seen
Here only to touch my skin quickly before leaving
And to one day return.Your light reflects in my eyes,
You are a contrast of beauty;
The union of darkness and light,
Profiting in love
But resulting in the demise of the structure.You were my lighthouse
There to guide me.
Your beauty astounding to any eye.
The world the pesty bugs that flock toward
You.But even lighthouses crumble.
I am a boat.
Adrift in this city of endless paths,
Where every direction is a gamble.It's hard to know what you're doing when
You're being pulled under.The building that stands humbly atop the hill
meets its destruction when a boat collides with
It's foundations.
The concrete cracking and crunching,
Collapsing towards the blue pit
That's restlessly rising and falling in an inconsistent pattern.The swivelling light crashes to the lush ground
It lay their,
Forgotten my the community that used to adore its brightness.Your light used to guide me in this chaotic prison,
But you gave me the power to reduce it to dust
And when you have power, even if not intended,
It will be used.
I broke you.
I made you nothing,
Meaningless.You are gone and I'm left to navigate my way alone.
At first I waited for the sun to rise and show us our way,
But the sun will never kiss these lands again.
Random emo shit
RandomShort "depressing" or "emo" stories, (sometimes short) ;) Basically just things I write when I have words and thoughts floating in my farcical mind. Also might be a lot of band or fandom related things Does contain swearing and some mature themes ~...