My skin is not thick
The words that fire from the gun that is your mouth
Burn my flesh.
Each syllable that passes your lips
Haunts my mind for weeks
Plaguing my thoughts during restless nights.My skin is not thick.
The smallest prick from a pin
Would pierce the walls of this
Restrictive skin
That encases me in a
Body of discontentment
And heart ache.My skin is not thick
It is vulnerable to attack
And easy to penetrate.
The blood gushes out of the wounds
Words have sliced into me.To stand on my feet,
On my own,
Against this world
That has battled to beat me down
I must.I must become strong
Find that strength and power
I've always aspired to have.
I must remain strongAnd so it thickened.
Random emo shit
RandomShort "depressing" or "emo" stories, (sometimes short) ;) Basically just things I write when I have words and thoughts floating in my farcical mind. Also might be a lot of band or fandom related things Does contain swearing and some mature themes ~...