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I wish for your skin against mine
I wish for your eyes to light my body
Clearing the words of shame others have written

I'd plead for you

I wish for you to be happy

I wish I could say these words
That have rested upon my tongue

I'm afraid

I'm afraid this isn't real
That its all in my mind
And the secret
Kisses that have been given
Aren't real

I'm afraid that once we touch
Your desire will diminish

I'm afraid
I'm scared
I'm terrified
Of the thoughts I have
And how can you be attracted to that I am not

And I'm scared
That I am falling

Down that obis that
So many have before

But I'm terrified that
My fingers will slip from yours
And you won't catch me
And I'll crash to the ground

With nothing except regret and an endless numbness.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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