A Small Step

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Hello again my angels! Here's another chapter. I hope you enjoy. Another picture of Rookie up top. I sure like his face. Also go follow my collab partner : Almost_famous_JxX

As Colson walked down the road out of the trailer park the sharp rocks turned into black asphalt that shimmered underneath the afternoon sun. Luma had fallen asleep in his arms, the rocking motion of Colson walking seemed to have calmed her. He looks at her petite body trying to figure her out.

Her long dirty blonde hair flowed down her body and the wind played with her strands. A hand rested delicately on his shoulder while her other one was fisting his shirt. Luma's face was calm since she was enjoying a peaceful slumber. Colson quite liked when she looked like she didn't have a care in the world. Unfortunately he knew that he was the cause of a lot of her stress. He didn't deserve her as his friend at all. She's just too nice and sweet while he's all rough edges and icy glares that seem to freeze a soul.

Luma grumbles in her sleep which evokes a deep chuckle out of his mouth. She didn't know what she did to him, the emotions she uncovered that he so desperately wanted to shove down. Once they were well into downtown Cleveland Colson finds a bench to sit on. His city still took his breath away. The buildings rose imposingly over everyone's heads and the noise was always at a constant, people bustling everywhere and cars honking incessantly.

Colson shakes Luma's small form saying," Hey wake up. We're away from that place ok?"

She groans and swats his hands away from her body obviously not wanting to wake up. Colson shrugs and continues to people watch from his spot on the bench. Eventually he would have to go to work. He glances down at his watch and it reads one ten in the afternoon. This gave him four hours to get to work since today he was on the night shift.

Colson's stomach growled loudly and he decided he needed to get some food before he exploded in a ball of rage. He tended to get more angry if he was hungry. After a few minutes of self talk Colson finally gets the courage again to shake Luma awake.

"What do you want?! I'm trying to sleep here. I'm not exactly sure where I am and I don't want to face reality just yet," she mumbles fighting between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"Look who's grumpy now. Little grumpy baby. Do you need your bottle? " Colson asks with a glint in his eye obviously teasing her. Luma slowly gets up and groans as some of her bones pop. "I'm hungry so we're going to go get food and I'm paying. Come on little punk. We don't have all day," Colson says getting up and tapping his foot impatiently.

At the word food she happily jumps up and grabs his hand dragging him to a cafe she sees down the street. Colson constantly apologizes to pedestrians as he bumps into them from being dragged by the small girl. "Can you please slow down? I've bumped into at least six old men that looked like they wanted to kill me. I did bump into a few sexy ladies but since I'm in your company it would've been rude to go after them."

Luma rolls her eyes knowing that he was too closed off to everyone to even flirt casually with a girl. The fact that he's let her in this much surprises her. At school he closes himself off from everyone except for Rook and begrudgingly, Emily. That girl had a way of forcing even the most ornery person to open up and smile. She looks up at Colson's face and smiles a bit at what she sees. His chiseled features are illuminated by the sun and his usually emotionless blue orbs shine with a little bit of happiness.

Of course she was still angry with him for letting those men harm her but she kind of understood. In his own weird way he was trying to protect her. It warmed her heart a little bit to realize that his protective nature was activated when she was in danger. She tried not to stare too long so he couldn't guess at the thoughts swirling in her head.

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