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Hello my angels! I was so happy when I woke up this morning and saw that this story now has over 1k reads. I may or may not have run around my house screaming like a mad man.

Luma traces Colson's cheekbones as he sleeps. His nose stopped pouring out blood and one of his eyes was swollen shut. Even beat up he had an ethereal beauty about him. Without knowing it he had captured her heart and he held it in the palm of his hand. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about his display of vulnerability earlier.

His blue, angelic eyes flutter open as Luma's index finger traces his left cheekbone. Colson bites the inside of his cheek as he puts his large hands on her legs to attempt to sit up. She stiffens as she feels his calloused hands on the thin material of her sweats.

"About last night. That never happened. It was a sad and heartbroken mistake. That's all," he says disguising his expression with one of disgust.

Luma nods her head slowly feeling a little hurt as she feels her palpitating heart beat faster. He was slowly crushing it in his palm. "I never expected it to mean anything Colson. You don't have it in you to care about anyone but yourself. That's a fact," Luma says coldly as she gets up off the hard cement brushing the small dirt particulates to the ground.

"You really fucking get on my nerves Luma. I doubt you would understand me at all anyway. Seems more like all you care about is yourself," he spits out.

"You can't say that! I came out here in the middle of the night to comfort you and this is the thanks I get! You're so ungrateful. How dare you call anyone else a hypocrite when you're the biggest one of all?"

"I'm not the one expecting things they can't get. To be honest the only reason I even am near you is because you blamed killing yourself on me! I'm sorry but I'm not taking the blame for that. That was all you. Never do that again,"

"Or what? What can you do Mr. Baker?! You have nothing! No mother, no family, barely any friends. I'm honestly surprised that Rook and Emily even stay around you. You're too much work."

This makes Colson's face red with anger as a vein throbs in his neck. His fists clench and for the first time he is willing to break his code of conduct for himself. No one says things about him like that and walks away unpunished. He grabs her hand roughly and pulls her body, painfully toward his and whispers in her ear," Little girl you are playing with fire. I suggest that you get your pretentious ass out of here before I do something I'll regret. "

This causes Luma to let an amused guffaw to pop out of her lips. She knew some of his rules from observing him. He would never hit a woman no matter how much she aggravated him.

"Oh Colson. You wouldn't hurt me now would you? Your precious little rules would be broken. Now that's too bad isn't it," she says mockingly caressing his face. He grabs her wrist and roughly pulls her hand away from him. His one good eye gave her his death glare and she just laughed. This boy wasn't as scary as he pretended to be.

"Oh silly boy. You're a very bad pretender. That glare doesn't scare me none. Not anymore, now that I've seen your true colors," she says sending an equally scary glare his way. His eyes were filled with a mix of anger and lust as she stood up to him.

"I've just never shown you my scary side little bitch. You might not know this but I've actually killed a prick. Watched the light leave his eyes as I stabbed him over and over. It was actually very satisfying," he says his whole body shaking.

Luna's eyes widen as she now attempts to free herself from his bruising grip. Her attempts are futile as he uses his full strength to keep her in place.

"You're a monster! Get your filthy hands off of me."

Colson laughs and says," Oh darling I know I'm a monster. This is what you wanted wasn't it? I'm just giving you what you want princess. You wanted to see my hidden sides. Now you have. Don't you like them? They're only for you to see."

"No! I hate you. You're nothing but a monster that has a thirst for blood. No wonder your mother doesn't want you anymore. If I had you for a son I wouldn't want you around either!"

He nods and laughs bitterly letting her go. No one wanted him around. He was too dark and no light resided in him. Colson was tired of trying so hard to be nice and to treat Luma correctly.

"Of course you don't. Don't you see this is what I tried to warn you of? Now you hate me and I'm getting too pissed at you. Fuck!" He screams as she starts to walk away. The air turns a little bit cold and it nips at their exposed skin. He sinks on his knees and beats the hard cement with his already ragged and bleeding fists. "Come back! Please come back," he says quietly as he hits the unforgiving cement harder. She hears him and his voice cuts her like broken glass. It pulls an emotional chord in her.

She turns around and sees the broken boy that he tries to hide from the world breaking out of his stoic , cold facade. He stops hitting the sidewalk as she slowly moves closer to his convulsing body.

"I'm sorry for shooting below the belt Colson. You just always hurt me and I take it. Can't you see that I care about you? I try so hard to make you feel like you're cared for," she says quietly as she slowly inches closer to his large frame.

He raises his bleeding hands in a vulnerable position where he exposes his chest. Luma walks the few steps that are left towards him and hugs him to her. He slowly relaxes into her body and cries into her shirt. She smiles a bit at him her anger dissipating as the icy wind blows through her hair sending a chill through her whole body. Winter was coming.

"Why do you care so much? I do nothing but destroy people. Whoever cares about me leaves. Rook is the only exception but if he stays he could die. People love to try and kill me," he says sadly his eyes drooping in exhaustion.

"I care about you because I see the good in you. Not everybody would protect a girl he doesn't know. That day I was being beat up by Anna Claire you stopped her while everyone else just watched. You're so much more than what people say about you,"

He nods and puts his head on her shirt covered stomach, wrapping his arms around her waist. Luma runs her hands comfortingly through his hair careful not to touch the places he was hurt.

"Come on, it's getting cold out here. Let's go to my house. No one is home because dad is on a business trip and mom is probably at her new boy toy's house," she says pulling his face away from her stomach. He nods and allows her to help him up which was very unusual and uncomfortable for him.

Colson never liked to rely on anyone else for anything. As he gets up his legs wobble a bit and he leans some of his weight on Luma. After she helps him regain his balance they head off down the street.
Sorry this chapter was a little short. Just a little filler until the real action begins. Remember that I love talking with my readers and I like suggestions. Please don't be one way readers! Love you my angels.

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