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Hello my angels! So I've recently been watching this show called Shameless and I'm now hooked. Anyone else like this show and if so who is your favorite character and why? My favorite character is either Mickey or Ian. I know I'm pretty basic. I'm only on season four so no spoilers. Please.

Colson's eyes pop open as a wave of pain flows down his body. His ribs feel as if they're on fire and everything seems muted and blurred, kind of like he's in a time lapse where he's the only one moving at a normal pace as life rushes around him.

He hears a slight gasp and feels hands lightly running down his face. Luma's face looms over his and her dazzling hazel eyes seem to take him in as if he were her last breath of air. She sees his soul. All of it, all of his agony and pain that he tried to hide behind that bad boy facade he emitted from every pore of his body. He is more than that. She really sees him.

His hands subconsciously grab her hands and she smiles. She could be a movie star with that smile, he thought as she stroked the top of his hand. The skin is smooth and warm, his pulse can be faintly felt underneath it. Luma revels in the feeling of his rough , calloused hands in hers. The sensation is scratchy in a nice way. "You're awake. You've only  been out a few hours so it's not the end of the day yet. Soldier went out to get you some more numbing salve. You want dinner?" Luma asks before bringing one of his large hands to her face and rubbing it against her cheek.

Colson lets out a strangled laugh at her antics. At this sound she gasps and runs off to the kitchen to put some water in a cup. A fan whirrs overhead making a noise that comforts Colson. "Sorry about that Kells. I forgot you'd need water after you woke up. Here," Luma says walking over and handing him the glass. He takes it gently, his hand shaking.

Putting the glass to his chapped lips he tips it and drinks greedily, moaning slightly as the cool liquid satisfies his thirst. After he's finished she takes the cup and puts it on a nearby table before sitting herself on the thin stretch of couch next to Colson.

"You feeling a little better? Soldier said that the rib's are broken pretty bad." Colson nods and shrugs not trusting his voice box to work correctly. He didn't want to sound like an idiot in front of his new girl.

Luma raises an eyebrow at him suspiciously wondering why he wasn't talking. This boy loves to talk. One time in the hospital they talked for three hours about anything and everything. She learned that he's obsessed with constellations and stars.

"Come on. Say something and I'll go heat up some food for you," she says booping his nose before giving him an award winning smile. "Fine. Do I get cookies too?" He asks slowly , his gravelly voice filling her ears with the most amazing sound she's ever heard. This must be his morning voice.

"I'd have to bake them. So no. No cookies for you young man," she says cheekily before kissing his cheek gently and going to the kitchen. He pouts before crossing his long arms across his chest.

"Come on princess. For me? I am sick remember? I have broken ribs and everything. Please?" He asks bringing out his best weapon. Puppy eyes. She laughs at his attempt of coercion. Luma has a brother, she's not going to fall for that amateur move. Rolling her eyes she shakes her head before going into the kitchen yet again.

Going over to the fridge Luma takes out some left over subs from Soldier's delivery boy job. Sighing she unwraps three and situates them on the plates she quickly grabs out of the cupboard. Luma internally face palms as she realizes that they were cold subs, no heating up required.

Colson lays flat on his back on the couch trying to make shadows with his hands on the ceiling. So far he could do a rabbit eating a finger. His attempt isn't very successful. As he's contemplating quitting his day job to go into professional shadow puppetry another wave a pain flows over his body. This time his thigh muscles decide that this is a great time to start spasming. Biting his lip he tries to contain his whimpers of pain so he doesn't worry Luma.

Luma comes into the room with the food in hand unaware that Colson is in horrible pain. After she sets the plates on the dining room table she goes to the living room to check on Colson. She gasps as she sees his convulsing body. What makes it worse is his face scrunched up in concentration and pain.

"Hey, it's ok to whimper. It doesn't make you weak I promise. Come on Kells. Let all that pain out. It's good for you,"she says before wiping his sweating forehead with her hoodie sleeve. As soon as he feels comfortable enough small whimpers cascade out of his lips like a waterfall. Luma puts his head in her lap before running her hands through his hair.

"Stop it. It hurts. Make it stop. Now. Please," he says his breaths becoming faster paced. She looks down at him sadly not knowing how to help him. Thankfully at this moment Soldier bursts through the door with several friends that are retired from the gang in tow. The group heads over to Colson and they expertly pop a Valium in his mouth before forcing him to swallow it. Luma's eyes are wide as she figures out what it is.

"Relax little sister. It helps with the spasming. I promise I'm not going to let him become a junkie. It's just to help him I promise," Soldier says as he pops a Percocet in Colson's mouth. Luma nods before looking down at her new boyfriend worriedly.

It's only been a few hours and he's already almost died. After a few minutes the spasming stops and the pain meds kick in. Colson looks up at Luma and says,"I sleep now pretty princess. Night night."

Luma nods. His blue eyes close as little snores come out of his mouth. She really needs to learn his secrets he used for sleep. He could sleep anywhere, anytime. "He'll be ok. I've seen worse. You seem to really care about him. Your walls are coming down around him. I hope he sees how lucky he is. I swear if he doesn't I will stab him before stringing him up on the south side." Luma puts a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

All in all this day wasn't so bad. Luma got a boyfriend, her brother was home, and her parents were still out of town. Everything was going as smoothly as possible. Everything is fine.

She definitely isn't prepared for the next day...
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this little filler chapter. Sorry it was so short. Anyway comment and vote if you liked it. Watch Shameless if you haven't. I am now Shameless trash so if anyone wants to message me to gush about it go ahead.

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