Stupid People

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Hello again! Updating twice in the same day!
Not to toot my own horn or anything but toot toot!
Anyway how was your day?
Please comment or vote or do something so that I know people are alive and that my content isn't horrible trash. Thank you.
Debate: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts ?
This chapter is dedicated to my friend Ashley who is pushing me to follow my dreams and get myself out there! I use too many exclamation points....
Anyway! Rook up above. Sigh. What a cutie.


Colson sighs a bit as he bites into his decadent chicken sandwich. Rook gives him a wary glance as it seems his friend is making out with a sandwich.Colson shrugs and keeps eating it, practically shoving it into his face. At this, his friend gives him a disgusted look and then looks away with an ' I don't know this kid where did he come from ' look.

The cafeteria grows quiet all of a sudden and Colson looks up from his food , a little wary that these rowdy teenagers are now silent. He looks around and spots the shy new girl covered in cafeteria food. She looks like a sad, wet puppy ready to cry. As she realizes that so many people are staring at her she quickly runs out , shaking and shivering. Feeling bad for the girl Colson decided to say something.

" What are you guys looking at?! Show's over. If I don't see you talking again in five seconds someone's going to get punched," he says in an angry voice causing people to scurry off and cringe at the booming sound.

He smirks at a job well done and finishes his food as the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. God, Colson hated bells. They were one of the roots of all evil in his mind. Rook looks at his friend and starts to chuckle as he knows how much Colson liked bells.

" Yo Kels we have to go to class. I know you can't afford detention and all with your mom," he says impatiently.

Rook was one of the only people who knew what happened on an almost daily basis with his mom and Joe. On the outside they may look like a happy family ,but the inside was messed up and dysfunctional. In public Joe was the nicest person you could ever talk to.  Once he got 'home' he changed and became violent and manipulative.

Colson nods his head and starts to walk to his fifth period Chemistry class. Who in the hell uses chemistry in their daily lives? How is it useful? Unless you want to become a scientist or something, which Colson sure didn't, it has no usefulness.

Two more years and then I can get out of here and start rapping professionally. I just have to hustle and make it two more years and I'll be fine, he thought as he walked the hallways.

As he entered the classroom he spots his favorite seat in the middle of the room and glares when he discovers that it's occupied. It's the wet puppy girl.

That stupid puppy girl is in my seat.

He walks over to the seat and grunts out," Move , that's my seat ."

She looks up , her clear blue eyes widen in horror as she looks over at his large muscular frame. A muscle twitches in his jaw and she squeaks like a little mouse. He rolls his eyes and tells her to move once again.
" S-sorry. I didn't k-know this was your seat. Anna C-Claire told me it was open," she says rapidly , her body shaking in fear.

Of course it was Anna Claire. The biggest slut in our grade who always tries to use he assets to her advantage. Although she has very nice ones, her personality grates on his nerves and makes him want to break his no hitting women rule. He looks over and sees the girl herself giggling a little bit as wet puppy girl moves to another seat. Colson sits in his seat feeling quite satisfied and glares at Anna Claire.

Instead of shrinking in fear like he hoped she would ,  the girl winks at him in what is supposed to be a seductive manner and lowers her top so that he could see her ample cleavage. He rolls his eyes and thinks that she looks like an animal trying to do a really ugly mating dance that does the opposite of what it's supposed to do.

The teacher starts the boring lesson and starts rambling on and on about the periodic table while Anna Claire sends flirty winks and waves his way. After the teacher is done lecturing there is still ten minutes in the class so he says," You can now talk amongst yourselves. Please don't get too noisy."

Unfortunately if a teacher says something it has a ninety-nine percent chance that the opposite will come true. In this instance that was the case and Colson groaned putting his headphones in and clicking play. The song Rap God by Eminem starts playing in his ears and he starts to bob his head to the beat.

When he looks up after the song is over he feels euphoric until he sees Anna Claire standing in front of him batting her fake eyelashes like they were her wings and if she fluttered them fast enough she would fly. Colson took his headphones out and she sat down on his lap.

"Whatcha listening to Kels? Anything good?" the desperate seeming girl asked.

" None of your business girl. Get your flat ass off of my lap please. I don't want it there," Colson says in an angry tone.

" Why not? Aren't I sexy?" 

" No, you look like a peacock failing to do a mating dance. Go run over to one of those jocks and tell them how good you can give it to them. I'm not interested. "

She pouts but gets off of his lap and he sighs in relief. That girl was starting to annoy the crap out of him. The stupid bell rings at that moment and he actually is relieved. In this case he was literally saved by the bell. As he walks out of class a jock tries to corner him in the hallway. His name is Justin and he was the biggest ass of them all. He thought he was a god.

" Why'd you refuse my girl? She offered her services yes?"

Colson cringed in disgust and said," You should really be more worried about her offering her services to other males. That means you aren't doing something right."

" You'll pay for that freak. "

" What are you going to do ? Throw a football at me to death? I mean come on , man you know you can't beat me. Remember Thomas Dupree? What I did to him will be no match for what I'll do to you if you don't shut up. "

The jock rolled his eyes and had the audacity to actually throw the first punch. Colson rolled his eyes and laughed in a sadistic manner. The other boy's punch was weak and Colson easily grabbed his fist in midair and twisted it in a painful angle behind the opposing side's back. Next, he broke the kid's nose and kept punching until his mouth bled. That made him feel better. He abruptly stops as he feels himself being tugged from the other boy.

Looking behind him ready to strike at this extremely rude interrupter he realizes it's Rook and goes back to his normal posture.

" What the hell were you thinking?! You could've gotten suspended and left me alone with these idiots. "

" That other kid started it. He threw the first punch. I had to teach him not to try to punch me again," Colson shrugs and leans back on a bank of lockers straightening his clothes and snap back so that they look good again.

A few girls stare at him from across the hallway swooning and making weird noises. He hated them and how they thought they knew him. No girl will ever get to truly get to know me, he vowed.

Little did he know that he might one day break that vow.
Thanks so much for reading and I would like to thank instantfantasygirl10 for being my first follower of what I hope are many to come!

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Word count: 1409 words

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