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The yellow bus sputters up to the curb as billows of smoke come out of the tail pipe. Colson keeps glaring at everyone as Luma snuggles into his chest making herself comfortable. She felt oddly comforted as she felt a bubble of protection surround them. Being the resident bad boy's girl had its perks. Of course there always had to be something to ruin the moment.

Colson spots Slim sitting in a black car just watching them stand on the corner. This made anger seep into Colson's body. Luma senses his obvious discomfort and rubs his back in soothing circles through his jacket. His muscles relax a little bit but not by much.

This boy didn't know when to stop trailing. Obviously a code of honor wasn't in Slim's vocabulary. He rolls his eyes as Luma hugs his torso tightly trying to make him focus on her.

"Hey, love birds! You want a ride? I promise I ain't stalking y'all. Had some business to take care of this morning and boss said I had to go to school. Something about the cops investigating or some shit," Slim yells from across the road.

Luma looks up at Colson and she tugs on the bottom of his cotton jacket. It was his choice. She knew that they both had some bad blood in between them from a few days before and that she and Slim weren't on the best of terms either. They could take him out if they really needed to. Two against one is a lot easier than a strong male against a slightly weaker female.

Colson nods briskly and Luma squeezes his hand in agreement before they head off away from the bus that is still taking in passengers. Luma feels eyes on her butt and she tenses a bit feeling uncomfortable with all of this sexual attention. No one ever really noticed her before. She guessed that it was because she was dating the boy with no heart.

They were all probably curious about what was so special about her. She wasn't really in her eyes. Kells seemed to see something in her that she didn't see herself. Slim gives them a small smile as they approach the beat up Honda Camry he was currently driving. Colson scrunches his nose up in disgust before opening the car door for Luma and gently shoving her inside.

"I know we haven't been on the best terms K but I promise I ain't trying to cause trouble. We used to be friends and shit. Until I got caught up in the life remember? Had so much fun vandalizing shit and messing with people's minds. Never thought you'd get a bitch though. Always too proud and cold hearted for that," Slim says with a slight chuckle.

"Don't. Call. Her. A. Bitch. She's a fucking woman. Not a bitch, slut, shawty, or a whore. You call her by the right name next time. Don't you dare call her anything other than her name. Not lil ma, slim thick bae, etc. I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you."

"Man I ain't mean it like that. God. He always this annoying lil ma?" Slim asks Luma smirking as Colson's face lights up in livid anger.

"He's only annoying when he can't control things. He obviously can't control you," she says turning to Kells before saying," Babe calm your shit. He's not doing anything wrong. I promise I'm not going to leave you for young thug over here."

She whispers the last part so that Slim can't hear. Luma doesn't want to reveal any of his insecurities to a possible enemy. Just because they were in his car didn't mean they suddenly became best friends.

This effectively calms him down a bit and he visibly relaxes his jaw not clenched anymore. His stomach growls a bit and his face turns a light shade of pink before he glares at Luma because she's giving him a look like she's looking at a small puppy.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm not a fucking puppy. I'm a manly man that does manly man things! A little hunger has never stopped this motherfucker before, it's not going to start now."

Luma rolls her eyes at him before pinching his cheeks and cooing at the angry look on his face. He was so cute when he was angry in her opinion.

"Oh come on Mr. Grumpy Bear. You know that I can look at you however I want and you won't do shit. Will you?" She says finishing her statement by whispering it lowly into his ear.

He shudders at the sudden warm breath that glides down his neck and into the top of his shirt. A rise in his jeans causes him to shift uncomfortably in his seat. Attempting to make himself look unaffected he scoffs while inwardly praying that they get to school quickly. She didn't know what she did to him.

Slim looks on with a chuckle forming in his mouth. He has to bite his lower lip before Colson notices. He really doesn't want bloody teeth this early in the morning. Every time he and Colson were in close proximity one of them got bloody teeth. It was only a matter of time before it happened again.

They've been like that since they were kids. After every fight they would have a little competition in between themselves to keep up their strength. Whoever won got to be the leader. Colson usually won on the fact that he was sheer muscle by the time he was twelve. His home life gave him no other choice. It was either that or take it passively.

Colson isn't very good at passive. Once they roll up to school Colson gets out first before unbuckling and lifting Luma out of the seat , carrying her out of the car. She kicks at him and rolls her eyes.

"Dammit Kells I can fucking walk. Put me down!"

"No thanks. I like the view from here. Besides all of these assholes need to know who you belong to. You mess with my girl you mess with me too. Stop complaining. You want assholes cat calling and touching you huh? I can give you what you want."

Luma rapidly shakes her head no as she clutches his back close to her anxiety filling up her senses. Colson readjusts her so that he's carrying her like a small child. She clutches his shirt in between her tiny hands and Colson smiles a bit before switching to his perpetual scowl.

He still had a reputation to protect. Being soft would get him killed or not feared anymore. That would result in not being able to take care of Luma properly. The mere thought of letting her down in that way was enough to put the cold mask he always wore at school.

"Really. I want to walk into school. They already think I'm a big baby. Every time I was here they've seen me cry. Not this time, this time I'm walking in with my head held high, like the fucking queen."

Colson smirks before saying," My queen. Don't you fucking forget that I'm the king."

Slim's heart melts a little as his childhood friend lets down his walls in front of someone finally.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but this youngin has to get himself to class. I don't know where nothing is. Haven't been to school this year at all. Business and all," he says sheepishly trying to keep his tough front up. Colson feels his hatred against the boy lessen a little. Not by much, however, he was slowly growing on him once again. If only they could go back to the time where they were innocent children.

"Fourth door on the right is the office. They'll take care of you. We'll see you later ok?" Luma says feeling a little bad for Slim. She still hated him for getting in her father's business but his small bit of vulnerability warmed her up to him a bit.

Colson rolls his eyes seeing where this was going and they walk hand in hand into the mass of people.

Two updates in a row?! I know I know. Hope you liked it!
You guys know what to do by now. Love you all hope you had a great day today.

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