New Beginnings

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A new update for you beautiful people!! Thanks so much for this book getting to over 400 reads I really appreciate it. This book would be nothing without readers like y'all.


A surge of red, hot anger flows through his blood stream. Luma sits in his arms asleep and for some reason he didn't mind. He usually doesn't like human contact or touch. Her face looks peaceful and her long , dirty blonde hair, flows down her body as she breathes softly. A boy goes around the corner and looks intently at the school bad boy holding the small form in his arms. He gasps and tries to avoid going in their direction at all costs.

Colson smirks knowing that he was the reason of the boy's fear. He shakes his head of these thoughts once he realizes that this is probably what Joe feels. A sick and twisted feeling of power over other's  thoughts and emotions. Looking down ashamed, he picks Luma up and heads out of school. One half day out isn't going to kill them. She deserves some fun.

He walks to a nearby park that's a huge open green space with trees that line the edges and a walking path going around it. Mothers walk around it with their children in strollers casually talking. A big pond with ducks breaking the surface of the opaque water is located to the far left of the walking trail.

Colson sees a bench and goes to it, his long limbs stretching as he makes his way there. Once he sets Luma down he gets comfortable and just watches nature. The sun is a shining , bright orb today marred by a few cumulus clouds. A soft breeze picks up and ruffles Luna's hair gently.

Around an hour later her green blue eyes pop open with a start and she starts to panic. Colson grabs her shoulders and looks into her eyes trying to calm her down. Her hands start to shake as her breathing becomes more shallow as more panic ensues.

" It's ok little punk. We're out of school and at the park. No one here can hurt you or threaten you in any way without me knowing about it ok?"

She nods her face still filled with fear as she clings desperately to his jacket. He flinches as she attempts to pull him closer to his body. " Sorry, you've already cashed in your hug. But I will buy you ice cream. I think there's a cart down the way," he says pushing her hands off his jacket. She starts to cry and he starts freaking out not knowing what to do.

No matter how much his mother was abused she never cried like this afterwards. " Hey it's ok. I promise no one can hurt you here. Look, there are ducks. People like ducks right?" He asks awkwardly.

She nods and starts to desperately look at the ducks counting them under her breath as her hands keep shaking. Colson groans and gets up grabbing the back of her black hoodie pulling her off the bench.

" Come on, it's ice cream time." He says getting a little frustrated. She trips and quickly tries to right herself by holding onto one of the trees. Colson starts to walk away thinking that she was following him. When he looks back she's still hugging the tree and crying her little body shaking.

" Eugh, why is this the girl I now have to protect? She's hugging a damn tree for goodness sake," he mutters as he unwraps her arms from around the tree felling like he's with a small child.

She looks up at him her innocent eyes seeming to draw him in.

No Colson! You can't get too close to her, he thinks.

" Can we get ice cream now? You promised!" She says giving him a weak smile.

" I did , now come on. What flavor do you want?" He says wanting to know before she got there because he didn't want to spend two hours picking out which flavor she'd like. One time when she was in the hospital they spent three hours choosing what book she wanted to read. It was three hours too long in his opinion but it made her ecstatic.

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