The Past Always Comes Back

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Colson opens his eyes and blinks as the harsh sunlight temporarily blinds him. The living room is empty and tiny dust motes fly through the air moving gently and idly. A small breeze floats in through an open window and it cools his sweat soaked body down a bit. The smell of blood hits his nose as he wakes up a little more and he cringes.

The smell reminded him of all the days that he had to clean up someone's blood because there was an altercation. Memories rush into the front of his thoughts and he attempts to clear them by shaking his head. The attempt is to no avail and it takes precedent in his mind as a bead of sweat travels down his face and into the white shirt he's wearing.

His whole family was living in a trailer on the upper east side , the trailer dingy and seemingly a beacon for dirt. His parents loved it because they paid for it all on their own. He remembers the way the sun hit the plastic window so that it muted all the colors in the tiny sitting area where he did his homework.

His father came home swaying lazily and drooling down the front of his chest. An excited Colson runs over to meet him happy that his dad is finally home from his business trip. He didn't know that his father's business was to rot other people's insides for profit. To destroy their lives and that they craved more with each passing day.

He remembers his father's slurred ," Get Mother. Now. Bitch needs to be taught some shit."

Not really knowing what was happening Colson ,in an attempt to please the man of his adoration ,skips to his parent's bedroom. His mother was sleeping and he used a little time to admire her beauty as the sun's last rays hit her peaceful face.

"Mama wake up. Daddy needs you to go into the table room," He says slightly shaking her. His mother just groaned and said," Kells baby, tell daddy that mama is sleeping right now."

Colson nods and obediently heads off to tell his father the message. His father sits in the only armchair nursing a beer and reading the sports section in the newspaper. An aura of anger surrounded his large, hunched over body ,tattoos rippling every so often as he turned the greasy pages absentmindedly.

Colson tells him the news and the newspaper snaps shut as his father stomps over to the bedroom. "Get up you stupid bitch! Your fucking demon can't do shit right. I don't know why you wouldn't get that abortion like I told you to!" He says pulling her out of the bed by her long, luxurious blonde hair.

"I-I'm sorry Jacob. It was too late when I found out. W-we can do it tonight if you want. Since you don't want him anyway and he just takes money that could be used for some extra things," she says trying to appease the man still holding her by the hair. She doesn't mean anything she's saying but protecting him the best way she knew how.

"No bitch. You had your fucking chance to get rid of it. Your time was up eight god damn years ago. It's your turn to get punished. Get up. Come on bitch. I don't have all day." He says glaring at his wife angrily as a throbbing vein pops out of his neck.

"S-sorry J-jake." She says pitifully obeying his every command. Colson watches as his mother tries to get up before two rough hands knock her down again. His father mocks her and laughs when she struggles against his fingers. She was just like a wiggling fish and he loved the thrill of holding her down.

"Oh come on. You can do better than that. I taught you better than this hm?" He whispers in her ear as he stomps on her abdomen again and again. Colson's mother's screams tear out of her throat as Colson watches powerlessly. A sadistic laugh comes from his father's lips as he continues to torture his wife.

"Go get me the big knife boy. You don't and you'll get it worse than this worthless bitch. Hell I might even kill your sorry ass. I don't care. I have several women on the block who are willing to give me sons."

Colson slowly goes to get the big knife out of the drawer that is the home for all of the sharps. Up until now this drawer has been forbidden even though Colson sometimes picks up the hefty blades and traces the cool metal. An unfamiliar feeling flows through his veins, his heart pumping faster as he comes up with a plan.

He grabs two knives and runs with full force into his father's back stabbing him over and over again. "You. Will. Stop. Right. Now!" Colson screams uttering a word after each motion of his hand. Once the body underneath him went limp he stopped.

The smell of blood permeated every cell of Colson's body. A sick feeling overtakes him and he pukes all over his now dead father. He killed him. His father's eyes were rolled back into his head making him look scarier than he ever had alive. His mother lay still sobbing into the ugly green shag carpeting as blood spills all over her. No one would report Jacob as missing. He wasn't exactly liked in any neighborhood he went into. The only people that ever wanted his company was the junkies that came to him to do a business transaction.

The sight of the dead body haunts Colson's dreams and even his reality. Nothing he's ever done has gotten rid of it. He gets out of his head with a jolt as a person vigorously shakes him. Blinking, he sees Luma's worried face hovered above his own.

"You ok? You kind of spaced out a while back." Luma says while putting a cold compress to his sweaty forehead. Rancid memories often make one sweat in anticipation to the worst part of your life.

"I'm fine. My ribs any better?" He asks wincing as he tries to sit up. Luma gently helps him sit all the way up and nods a yes before hugging him gently. He tenses up and pushes her away. "Don't do that! I don't need that right now!" He screams at her.

"Well I'm fucking sorry for wanting to comfort you Colson! I'm sorry for helping you not bleed to death internally. In fact I'm sorry for even wanting to be with you in the first place. This was obviously some big mistake," she says stomping off into the kitchen.

He slowly gets up and makes his way to a crying Luma hiding behind the door of her pantry. He grabs her hands and pulls her chin up using his fingers before putting his lips on hers. Her eyes widen as they roughly, even angrily, kiss each other. Luma's fingers grab a handful of his shirt as she pulls away before slapping him in the face.

"I thought you didn't want to be touched asshole. Don't start getting handsy with me mister. You can't just do that! You can't just not let me comfort you and then come in here and confuse me," she says angrily , glaring at him.

"I always want you baby. Fuck. I don't deserve you or how kind you're being to me," he says before bringing her lips to his again. She pushes him away after a while panting still angry at the way he's treating her. "I am not your little bitch that does whatever you want Colson! Eugh! You make me so angry!"

"You make me so turned on. You're hot when you're angry," he says winking at her scrunched up face.

"God Colson can you not be serious for one minute?!"

"I killed my father."

The silence after that phrase exited his lips to him was deafening. Luma sucks in a breath and says," What?"

He inhales and says again,"I killed my father."

"Um why did you kill your father?" Luma asks shaking a bit and backing away from him. He was a murderer after all. There's no telling what he'd do to her if he would kill his own flesh and blood.

"He was abusing my mother and was about to kill her so I made the first move. It was about survival. I promise to never lay a hand on you. Did you see me retaliate in any way when you attacked my face?"

Luma shook her head no and still backed away from him. He had blood on his hands no matter what now. "Please baby. Don't leave me." He pleads dropping on his knees and grabbing the hem of her shirt. Colson had never cared about anyone this much in his entire life. This couldn't end now.

"Colson I-"


Hello angels. Long time no update. I know. I'm sorry. Also sorry about the cliffhanger. Meh you'll get over it. Comment , vote, share whatever if you liked it!

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