Losing Touch

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Hey ghost readers !! I want to give a big shoutout to AlissaWalton9  for giving me ideas and encouraging me to go on with this story! Thanks so much you are an inspiration to all.

The girl up above is Emily.
You'll find out who she is shortly.
Debate: Starbucks or Chick-fil-a ?

Now grab some food, settle in on the couch or desk or any other piece of furniture you can rest on and let the games begin!
Colson sighs as he walks home from school. Stupid Rook had to go see his girl, yet again. She seemed to be taking over Rook's entire life. He groans and hopes that someone will never take up his whole life and inhabit every space in it.

The walk home gets more dreary as it starts to rain. He looks up and glares at the sky. Apparently God wasn't smiling on him either. Stupid rain. What makes it worse was that he didn't own an umbrella.

" Oh come on!! What's wrong with you? Why God why?" He says while dramatically going on his knees and screaming.

Colson hears a small giggle behind him and he sees the seat stealer laughing her little butt off. At this he turns to the sound and gives her his most menacing glare. She squeaks in terror as that exact moment a shard of lightning pierces the sky giving him a more dangerous look.

" No laughing, no giggling, no talking , and no touching me. Got it , little punk?" He says as her small form trembles in the rain. Damn, it looks like she'll blow away.

" S-sorry. I d-didn't mean to ," she says in a small whisper. Then as if she forgets that he's there she mutters," Mr. Grumpy Bear,"

" What the hell did you just call me?! Do I look like a damn bear to you? No, I am not a woodland creature, thank you very much," He says angrily.

" No, you're like a grumpy teddy bear,"

Luma looks at her shoes and shrugs quietly walking away.

Well that was weird. Seat stealer is strange. I need to stay away from her. I don't like the vibe she gives off. Whatever. I don't need that in my life.

Colson smiles smugly and keeps walking home as gusts of wind mess with him by putting water in very uncomfortable places and making his shoes unbelievably wet. Yay rain! He didn't like the rain for this very reason. Colson doesn't really like much.

As he turns onto his street he looks over at the trash bins and sees that Joe is off of them. Oh no. He probably woke up and is ambling about the house as if it is his. The thought of dealing with Joe's attitude was almost enough for him to stay in the rain. Almost enough. Colson would've stayed in the rain if his beloved converse weren't soaking wet.

Stupid rain. It foiled all of Colson's plans and aspirations. Although it was a little dramatic that's what he thought. He stepped in the house and went to go check on his mother who was passed out still with none other than Joe laying next to her. He glared and stomped off and punched a hole in the wall.

Joe didn't deserve his mom but Colson didn't want to make her upset by have a confrontation with Joe. He sighs and went to go do his homework. Getting out of this life wasn't going to do itself. He had to work at it. Colson was tired of pretending. He was tired of being mean and scary. He was tired of not loving himself.

That's not going to change. I'm always going to be a self loathing asshole. There's nothing I can do about.

After this statement he shrugs and puts his now finished homework away. It was all so easy and boring for him. He gets his song notebook out and starts to crib some lines down on the paper. He finishes and it goes like this:

  I scream at the top of my lungs
But my voice couldn't save this home
You're proud of the guns you hold
What's left now, where can we go?

Yo, I had a dream that the world changed
And for a minute there was no pain
Instead of presidents and old sayings
I heard lyrics from Kurt Cobain
Then I wake up to see the world's ill
Ocean's tainted from the oil spills
How many kids have these wars killed?
How many families can't afford bills?
I wish I could let the world know
That it's okay to let the pain show
And even though times seem bad
It always rains before the rainbow

I scream at the top of my lungs
But my voice couldn't save this home
You're proud of the guns you hold
What's left now? Where can we go?

We all need a little more love
(I think we all) We all need a little more love
(We just need) Ooh a little more love
(The world needs) Ooh little more love

In my hood money equals power
And in the world money controls everything we believe in
( By the way these are all Machine Gun Kelly's lyrics. I don't own them. All rights go to him and his record label)

Something about it feels a little unfinished but so far he thinks it's good. It has lyrics that call out the world's problems without just cussing it out.

He sighs and then decides to go to sleep because he just doesn't want to deal with his lovely Guardians for a while. Sometimes he didn't even want to call his mother a mother. He mostly took care of her not the other way around.

The next morning he woke up at six like always and felt refreshed. He had no fresh bruises, cuts , or broken bones. All in all last night was pretty much the best night he'd had for at least a month if you take away his wet shoes and clothing. Being wet was a considerable improvement.

Colson waited until seven fifteen for Rook to come. After he realized that he wasn't coming Colson began to run to school. It's not that he was so excited to get to school that he just had to run , but he felt like something colossal and life changing was going to happen today. He just didn't know what.

As he entered the school doors he saw Rook making out with what seemed to be his girl. In Colson's opinion they were getting way too friendly for school. He interrupts them with a clearing of his throats and Rook looks up clearly pissed.

"Hi, I'm Colson this kid's best friend. You can call me Kels though," he says laughing at Rook's face.

" Hi! I'm Emily. This butthead's girlfriend. He's told me about you and said you were crazy and I shouldn't associate with you. Is that true?" the girl asks with a pretty strong southern accent.

" I'm not crazy! If anyone is crazy it's this guy!" Colson states pointing to Rook looking quite offended and pissed off.

All of a sudden a large racket snaps them out of their playful banter. Shouts and punches can be heard reverberating through the hallway.

The trio ran to the front of the large crowd aggressively pushing people out of the way. When they reached the front of the crowd they saw Luma getting punched by Anna Claire over and over again.

Luma made no sound as she was hit and laid limply on the ground ,blood spurting out of her nose like a waterfall. Emily gasps and hides her face in Rook's shoulder while Colson grabs Anna Claire off of Luma.

" What the hell?! Why are you guys just gawking at a girl being punched repeatedly in the face? What's wrong with you?! " he screams into the now silent crowd. "One more person goes near this little girl and I will torture, beat , and stab you. Got that?" 

Everyone nods yes and quickly disperses. Colson picks Luma off of the ground and she groans in pain. He holds her kind of close to his chest and stops off toward the nurse's office.

" Mr. Grumpy Bear, you saved me," the girl groans growing delirious and then passing out.
Thanks for reading !
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By the way I'm entering this story into the Wattys so your comments and votes will be appreciated.
Word Count: 1417 words.
Sorry this one was kind of short.

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