what was it like living with my sister

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Living with my sister who I have never seen before, was kinda weird to me, because I didn't know her and she didn't know me. And being that I'm was so shy and quite I really didn't talk much nor eat a lot. So I had to get use to eatting whatever she put on my plate and get use to following her rules and doing what she asked me to do.I had own room and my own toys and things and my own space to do what I wanted to do and all. Being that I was the only girl and my sister having two boys at the time. I think my sister enjoyed having a girl in the house and being able to dress me up and do my hair and pick out cute outfits and stuff like that I think she really did enjoy cause I know I did. I earlier learned on that she says what she mean and means what she says. She was one person that you didn't want to play with or cross, and from me just watching her work and do what she does not only as a mother but as a friend and a sister and all. I picked up a lot and learned a lot just by watching her.living with my sister wasn't bad at all. She may be hard on you some times but its for a good cause. But the thing that I love about her is that she so dedicated to what she does and so smart and educated.my sister not only got her kids through school but she got me through school and she pushed me each step of the way to succeed to and I made it through high school and I graduated and without her I wouldn't be here.My sister was so educated that for summer time she would go to the book store and get me and her kids ready for the next grade and all she would have us hit the books and would ripe out the answers in the back up the book and she would tell us here what pages u need to do and when u get done I want to see what u done and she would check it and if it wasn't right u couldn't go outside and play until she felt like did give it a 100 percent. She wanted to see where our reading level was, math, science, social study all of that. I think the only thing she wasnt looking for was to see how fit we was I mean my sister was on it when it came to schools she was not playing when it came to that. She believed in getting a good education and she always said your future can take you far but it's up to you weither you make it bright or not.
My sister is my hero and I wouldn't change that for the nothing. She only wanted the best for me just like for her kids and she treated me just like her kids. She let me know if I did something wrong and she would discipline me just like she would do one of her kids if they did something wrong. She never made me feel left out or anything.
My sister has always been the one that was independent and never asked any one for anything unless she really really had to but other then that she has always counted on her self. Even when she was going through things of her own she never let nobody steal her joy or let nobody see her what she had going on she always kept it together and wore a smile on her face cause she had to hold it together for her kids. She always did what she wanted to do she never let anyone get in her way or take what was hers. She a strong women that I can say she a loving and caring mother who loves hard and its not to many people who she would let get close to her that I know for sure.

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