moving to new York

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I thought since being with helen and lay lay wasn't going to work out. That maybe me moving to new York and being with my family would help me and keep me happy. So once I got there I was good got lost finding my god mother house. But once I see my god mother I was happy and I knew I was home. I got settled in and I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I tried my best to tough it out. So a mouth in and what happens I get involved with her nephew and then she tried to tell me don't get involved with him. He got a lot of shit going on with him and but I didn't listen and a course there I was talking to this man name Jamie and fooling around with him and shyt and it didn't work out because he claim that I was still in contact with ceej so we broke up. But once me and him broke up my god mother friend who is a man,but he dresses at a women she gone get mad at me one day because I got me something to eat and started eating and got mad because I didn't offer her this he/she bitch gets on the phone and start telling her friends this and that shit like oh girl this little girl didn't offer me nothing after I then brought her food and everything.then the bitch goes on facebook and goes on my timeline and write you a hoe you having sex with somebody you just stupid dumb bitch that why you get a check .not being a thot and giving your pussy always and shyt like that so a course I was pissed.i wanted to whip a bitch ass and all.I didn't mind living with my god mother cause she was cool to live with she just wanted to know where I was going and when was I coming back and stuff. But she really didn't want me to leave and go no where. Then she said I needed to find something to do and find me a job but I can't work so I didn't really want to start no problem with her. But just when I thought I was good,thats when I started to see a side of her that I didn't like.if I was talking to a dude as a friend she had to meet him them and then if I came home made she accuse me of being pregnant or she thought I would be messing around with them.but it wasn't even like that and I damn sure didn't get down like that I was just a new face in new York so a course I was just making new friends and that was it.i fixing up my god mothers house and we was having fun. Until the guy she was talking to asked for my number and I thought he ran it by my god mother first but he didn't and then he started telling me where he would be and was lying to my god mother about shut, and I would forget to tell her because I was off in my own little world doing my own thing I wasn't worried about her friend or what the hell he was telling me. So once day I had came home her and him had got into it and the was like oh it don't look right I think you'll got something going on and shyt. So I storm out the house and she got mad. She felt like I was being disrespectful but I wasn't. I felt like she was accusing me sleeping with her dude when i would never do that. He wasn't even my age and that was Degusting for her to even say that. But then while I was at my homeboys house she decided that she wasn't going to put up with my attitude so she say but I know the truth. She texted me and said bring me her keys and then the next thing I know. I'm being kicked out and all my shyt is in the Hall after I then give her 300 hundreds dollars she kicks me out knowing that I ain't got no where to go or no one to stay with. So there I am with my luggage walking until I can find some where to lay my head. I walked all the way up town to the Apollo and then back down until the next morning came with nothing to eat nor sleep. So I had made it through my first night homeless but the next day this girl that I had met when I got it here.her name was diamond. She had seen me and asked me where was I going and I was like my god mother kicked me out so now I'm homeless and ain't got no where to diamond took me across the water to stand island to this dude who she was living which I was a little uncomfortable at but I didn't have no where else to when I got there she took me to this room that she was chilling in for time being.but when I was looking around and seen the crack in the little baggies I know this had to be a drug dealing my head there was no way in hell i was going to stay there like oh hell no I had to get up out of there. So I went to sleep for a couple of hours and then she took me to the store and the man In the store gave me a free cup of noodles to eat to hold me I thanked him and went back to the house,Then diamond waited on the dude to get there and he gave her some money. but before we left he cooked and we made a plate to go. Diamond and I then headed back to Manhattan to catch up with some friends.but I notice she was going to all these dudes house and leaving me to wait on her.thats when i it Dawned on me.d diamond  was sleeping with guys for money because she didn't have any money.
I stayed outside and waited for her.but then I left and went walking and had to call my homeboy to come and get me.
So I stay at my homeboy house.

The next day I seen diamond.she was like what happened to you I was like I left cause you took too long while you was doing you so once me and diamond linked back up and we went to go get some cloths and then we went to the laundry mat and changed cloths. so diamond decided to go  to her aunts house and ate and hung out there and then we left from there headed back to go meet up with some saw some dude who she so calls her bf and I seen a friend of mine and he wanted us to hang out so all of us went to wendys and was trying to figure out what we was going to eat. But then he was like how about we go chill at my crib and I buy some stuff to make sandwiches so I was like cool. So once we got to his crib I made me a sandwich and fell asleep and my bag was laying on the floor. I wasn't thinking about nothing at the point. I was just worried about eating and getting some sleep.but not for diamond cause all that bitch wanted to do was fuck and suck everything she seen in sight.

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