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Whenever I was there was alway somebody near by bullying me. I was bullied in school and out of school. I got bully constantly about my height and how short I was and if they won't bullying me about my height then I was being bullied about how I had a mustach and  I had this one name that everybody called me mustachio and that was just the name they kept calling me everyday all day. I would tell the teacher and the principal and all they did was talk to them and give them a warning they never put a stop to it. I remember I told my teacher that the kids was picking on me and she pulled me a side and said what is it that they are calling you and I said Mustachio she said what is that and I was like they talking about the hair on my upper lip and she was like oh well why don't u get some make up and cover it up or shave it off and maybe they won't pick on u no more and when she said that I was so mad and angry I went home crying in tears.so so cause I told my sister about it and My sister went up there and shut it the whole thing down she went off on that teacher. I never thought that I would have a teacher bully me and say some hurtful things or even go that far as will have you ever thought about trying make up to cover it up. I was always the one getting bully, pushed around and talked about. I even got shoved in to a locker once by this girl she was always laughing at me and picking and calling me names like leprechaun and pushing me. I was alway the girl to alway hold everything in and keep it  bottle up inside instead of dealing with it. I was scared of people cause they was always bigger and taller then me. I was alway running alway. I never really knew how to deal with what I was going through all I knew was maybe if I didn't go to school this would end or maybe if I go to a different school nobody would pick on me no more. My life was a living hell in school and out of school and I hated the way people treated me and looked at me. I would always take my frustration out on my sister because I didn't have something to punch or somebody to talk to about it or not where to take a walk and just let my mind just ease all the memories and pain always. people picked on me cause I was small and easy to pick on. I was easy to get over on and use me cause I would let them cause they knew I wouldn't do anything about it.I hated when people would talk about me and hate my feeling and pull my hair. I didn't want to live. It was one thing after another and another  and it was stopping and it kept going and it kept happening. Until that final day came for me to graduate that's when it was all over for me. I felt relieved and happy like yes now nobody can ever pick on me again nobody can call me names or anything.i don't ever have to deal with these people again I ain't even got to see them again.

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