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Ponyboy: Hey gang.

TwoBit: Gang gang?

Ponyboy: Gang gang!

TwoBit: Gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang gang.

DarBare: Shut up you two I'm driving.

TwoBit: Texting and driving what kind of example are you setting for young Ponyboy? Naughty naughty naughty.

Ponyboy: Yeah DarBare. Now I think it's okay to text and drive.

DarBare: No...I pulled over.

Ponyboy: Sure ya did.

TwoBit: Don't lie to yourself DarBare.

DarBare: Stop calling me DarBare!

Johnny: Can I come over Pony?

Ponyboy: Yeah I'll come get you and I'm gonna text and walk in the middle of the road! Oh and when I'm older I'm gonna text and drive and when I'm even older than that I'm gonna-

DarBare: Don't push me Ponyboy.

Ponyboy: What? Little ol me pushing a big strong independent man like you. Golly I'm offended like how could you say that?!

DarBare: You're grounded.

Ponyboy: Bet.

DarBare: Fine let's make it two weeks.

Ponyboy: Um what was it before?

Manly Man joined the group.

Manly Man: Sup?

Ponyboy: Oh you know the usual...just getting grounded.

Johnny: Are you still coming to get me Pony?

Ponyboy: No I'm grounded.

Johnny: Oh.

Ponyboy: Darry me and Johnny are running away. Bye!

Johnny: Do I have a say in this?

Ponyboy: No...

Johnny: Okay let's go.

Johnny Cade left the group.

Ponyboy Curtis left the group.

Manly Man: Oh.

Manly Man left the group.

TwoBit: I'm not even surprised he's leaving.

TwoBit Mathews left the group.

DarBare: Oh just great.

DarBare left the group.

Sodapop: Hey where'd everyone go?

Get Braces: Damned if I know. *shrugs.*

Sodapop: Cake.

Get Braces: Cake cake.

Sodapop: Cake cake cake.

Get Braces: Cake cake cake cake.

Sodapop: Cake cake cake cake cake.

Get Braces: Cake cake cake cake cake cake.

Sodapop: Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake.

Get Braces: Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake.

Sodapop: Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake.

Get Braces: Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake.

Sodapop: Ya know I strangely want cake now wanna go get some?

Get Braces: Yeah sure.

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