Bye Bye Dally

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DarBare: Hey let's all block Dally.

Johnny: That seems kinda uncalled for don't ya think?

Ponyboy: Why?

DarBare: Cause I'm sick of him leaving the group then thinking he can come back in any time he wants.

Sodapop: And why can't he?

Ponyboy: Yeah why?

DarBare: Are you getting smart with me?!

Ponyboy: No! I'll block em!

DarBare: Yeah you better. >:(

Ponyboy: IM ABUSED! :'(

Johnny: That's not funny Ponyboy.

Ponyboy: Hahhahaahha my name in your text is the 69 word. Ya like what you see JohnBon?

Johnny Cade has left the group.

Ponyboy: Hm I guess Dally really is his role model.

Ponyboy Curtis has left the group.

DarBare: Ugh why does everyone keep leaving?!?

Sodapop: I don't know but I wanna fit in soo...

Sodapop Curtis has left the group.

DarBare: Fuck it.

DarBare has blocked Manly Man, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, TwoBit Mathews, Get Braces.

DarBare has left the group.

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