gwuncan lmao wut

585 24 21

i'm a duncney fan so like, obviously i don't like gwuncan. but i will say,, that friendship was cute until it happened.

the storyline is cute, two friends "fall in love" or whatever. but um, unfortunately, their relationship started with cheating.

like maybe if duncan and courtney had a formal fuckinf breakup, then i would be more open to it. but they didn't.

he cheated on her.

and lied.

watching episodes with gwuncan in it, makes me upset. i love duncney so much, then to see courtney be upset because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants is so sad.

and it pisses me off bc he still hasn't apologized to her.

this is getting off topic but basically gwuncan IS cute, but ONLY as a friendship.

anyways here's some art

i apologize for my shit handwriting

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i apologize for my shit handwriting









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