the falling out of duncney's relationship

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i feel like it could've been a lot more interesting and less painful for us duncney fans to watch if the writers had actually given a shit about it for more than one episode

duncan practically hated courtney in season 3 after he got with gwen, only to miss her in all stars which really confused the fuck out of me

maybe if the producers did what they wanted, and not what the fans wanted (which those fans were in the wrong, anyways) then maybe we would've got to see a more complex falling out of duncney's relationship which sounds bad but honestly it's better than duncan cheating on her

i think they should've showed more of duncan trying to talk to courtney and how it was becoming harder for him to open to her, seeing she was constantly trying to change him

and that's when gwen comes into play

i do understand why the friendship between gwuncan started, i feel like what duncan didn't find in courtney he found in gwen, which was sympathy

that sounds horrible, i know

but i mean am i wrong?

it's not courtney's fault, the writers completely changed her character, making her become more stubborn and aggressive as the seasons went on

she constantly wanted duncan to change, and he probably felt like he couldn't be himself with her but with gwen, he could

i'm not trying to like justify him cheating whatsoever, it's just not surprising that it happened

he shouldn't have cheated, that was a huge dick move

but courtney shouldn't have tried changing everything that made duncan, duncan

they should've had a proper breakup, because season one duncan would never hurt he girl he loves

and he did love her when he did it, i don't give a fuck what anyone says

he loved her, but he couldn't handle her any longer

he wanted to be with her, but he couldn't

and i understand that

because even though it wasn't abusive, doesn't mean that the things she said to him, didn't affect him

i feel like i'm gonna get hate for this but that's okay because at least i got to talk about it :/









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