some duncan headcanons that are too long for tumblr

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i think the reason i love duncan so much is because he's probably one of the most interesting characters on the show i guess?

like come on, dudes been to juvi and we've yet to figure out why, we all know he's had to have had some form of abuse in the past, and why is he so afraid of celine dion music store standees?

A theory on why his afraid of the standees
when he was younger, he absolutely adored celine's music, but never admitted it because he knew his brothers would mock him. Well one day, his oldest brother Donnie found some cd's under Duncan's bed and thought it would be hilarious to throw a prank on him. So he went to the mall, but a celine dion standee, waited till it got dark to put it outside Duncan's window and then he would play My Heart Will Go On outside Duncan's door, making it sound distorted and horrifying, making Duncan think Celine's demon was standing outside his window trying to murder him

his father's family is jewish, and his mothers is catholic. His mother never officially converted, but she celebrated jewish holidays along with the children. As Duncan and his siblings got older, not many of them really stuck to religion. They always celebrate Hanukkah as a family though, despite not really celebrating anything else.

Parents relationship
His parents got married at a young age, when they were seniors in highschool, close to graduation, his mother found out she was pregnant. Most people would consider having triplets for your first time having kids a blessing, but to them it was more like a curse. It became extremely harder for his mother to attend schooling and work, meanwhile his father had no problem at all leaving for college, giving his mother the excuse of "It'll be better for us." Which in the end it was, because as soon as the triplets turned five, his mother had already gotten her degree in psychology, becoming a therapist for troubled children. Meanwhile his father was working to becoming a police officer. Around the same time, his mother found out she was pregnant again, which was a big deal. Originally she was going to get an abortion, than realized she couldn't go through with it and didn't. Two years later, Duncan was born. By now his parents had their lives in order, everything was going great. Fast forward 14 years though, and his father loses his job. After he lost his job, he began cruel and unhealthy addictions, such as smoking, drinking, and even abusing the kids. Which he'd always been aggressive with them, he had a quick temper so it was nothing new. But now that alcohol was involved, it didn't help. When his mother found out he hit one of the kids, she filed divorce papers and a restraining order. After months of apologies and lawsuits, his mother lifted everything and eventually his parents made up. Even though his dad is a piece of shit, his mother still sees the 16 year old doofus she fell in love with years ago. Not the monster he became.

His brothers & sister
His oldest brother, Donnie, aka the oldest of the triplets, was always Duncan's role model. Even though everyone knew he was just a drug addict bum, Duncan looked past that. He saw a mastermind, someone who knew exactly how to manipulate people into getting what he wanted. When Duncan was 18 and Donnie was 25, Donnie was sent to the state penitentiary for drug smuggling and fraud, leaving his wife and two daughters alone. The other brother of triplets, Darren, was like the "Justin" of the group. He's the only child that has blonde hair, like his mother. He currently lives Brazil, where he models and sleeps with numerous amounts of women. His only sister, Demi, was in an extremely abusive relationship. One night, when her piece of shit boyfriend nearly beat her to death, Donnie went to jail for beating the shit out of the guy. After that all happened, she found out she was pregnant, which lead her to give birth to a beautiful baby boy. During the days, she works at Donnie's tattoo shop, taking over it while he's in prison. At night though, she goes to the local strip club for extra money, no one in the family knows about this. Derek, Duncan's brother who's closest in age, is the only homosexual in the family. When he was younger, he got bullied the most for his shortness in height and for his sexuality. Which lead to Duncan, at only seven years old, to learn boxing. So he could defend his tiny brother, despite him being older. The two are extremely close with another, Derek came out to Duncan before anyone else in the family, and he kept it secret for a year before telling his parents. Who, by the way, did not care about their sons sexuality. His mother was extremely supportive about it, because when she was younger she lost her older brother to suicide, because he felt alone and his family (meaning his parents) no longer accepted him as their son.

so that's pretty much it for now, i was really bored and trying to think of something to do other than my fucking bio homework which is WACK but anyways, sorry for these being so long lol i just like thinking up stuff duncan's family since it seems like it would be fucking crazy










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