noco ? i guess ?

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so i guess the hurricane that was in YeeHaw Texas™ is heading towards florida guess who's right in the area!!!


the updates on this book and leave the light on are gonna be slow this weekend because i'm with a friend who i haven't seen a while, so i'm gonna try to spend as much time as i can with them but also!!

uhm me and the clay jenson look alike from my 7th are like,, destined to be together because literally everyone says i look like hannah baker so ;)


no i'm joking but anyways, i should add in opinion on here so here's my thought on noco!!

i have mixed feelings about it, like i like it but i don't?

i don't really recall them making any other contact aside from season one, so i'm not entirely sure??

but if i had to chose between noco and nowen, definitely nowen

they have a really cute n goofy friendship, and it's also practically canon so i mean ;)

but i'm gonna be honest when i watched In A Heartbeat, all i could picture was noco and i hated it because i felt the CRINGE from 2008 and how badly i shipped them lmao AND THE FANGIRL EDITS FHFISOJA

but see i don't really recall them being my otp when i first watched total drama because, hello, duncney

but i did ship them, i just don't know how to feel about it now i guess?

like i feel as if there's no more noco action anymore because of the queen herself, nowen, aka the ultimate noah ship

so yeah i guess that pretty sums up my thoughts on that, but anyways

how was yall's day?











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