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finally, the duncney chapter

this is gonna sound hypocritical, but i actually have mixed feelings on them??

ever since island i've LOVED duncney together, i loved the whole "punk & prep" idea, it always stood out to me

the way they would argue, but always end up making up in the end was really real to me, seeing how that's how most relationships around me were

because unlike the other couples, they had problems with their personalities clashing

and even though courtney would kick and scream if she didn't get something she wanted, duncan still loved her

besides him breaking the law n doing illegal shit all the time, she still loved him

they would fight, but in the end they ALWAYS made up

and to me, that's actually really realistic??

i've been in relationships like duncney's, where i was the complete opposite from the person i was with, and we were CONSTANTLY on and off for 3 years now, but when we do try again it just results in arguing and it's hard to be with someone when you love them but being with them hurts you

we all know how much pain courtney was in after world tour, there's no doubt she spent almost every night crying her eyes out

i mean, why wouldn't she?

she just lost the one person she genuinely loved, to a girl version of him

i've been in the SAME FUCKING SITUATION and it's honestly so shitty

duncan made courtney the happiest, but i also know he was the reason for her tears at night

he was the reason she thought she wasn't good enough for anyone

he was the reason she hated herself

but it's good for them to make up and get back together right?

even if duncan does apologize, courtney's never gonna let it go

and she shouldn't

it's hard to get back with someone who completely broke your heart into a million pieces

it's hard to just accept an apology, not knowing whether they're lying to you like they've done 100 times before, or if it's sincere

so i would understand if courtney wouldn't get back with duncan, i completely get it

and knowing the producers, this probably won't happen

it'll be a shitty apology session, and somehow courtney's gonna end up kicking him in the balls and everyone on tumblr is gonna shit their pants saying


so in conclusion, i love duncney, and i always will

mostly because it's relatable to my life, and extremely realistic

but if the producers are going to keep making duncan hurt courtney because honestly at this point it's not even duncan tbh

than i don't want it to

i want them to be happy, whether that means they're together or not

but i stg if courtney ends up with scott


anyways this has been the longest review i've ever done!! i'm actually really sick and can't physically move my body without dying so no drawings for right now:(

i might upload some later when i actually have to get up because we're having guests over (yuck)

but anyways










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