things related to my story/abusive duncney fanfics

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i'm sad bc no one got the hint i put in the latest chapter of One Love

bridgette bought a light blue dress,,for her cousins wedding,,who cheated on her boyfriend,,with a guy,,name pole i mean PAUL,,who she met in Yukon, canada,,who was TALL and LONG and SKINNY




bad joke i'm sorry

anyways,, let's talk about abusive duncney fanfics.

why? why do people write these?

why do people enjoy reading them?

how can someone, sit down, and read a whole story about duncan, literally RAPING her and ABUSING her, and enjoy it?

it's fucking disgusting.

if you think that fanfics involving rape or abuse that pretty much glorify it are good or enjoy them, please unfollow.

"But duncney's relationship was already abusive."


the show relies on slapstick comedy, chances are if you watch any fucking cartoon on Nick, Disney, or Cartoon Network there will be the same "abuse" as there was in total drama between almost all of the characters.

slapstick comedy does NOT equal straight up abuse.

i know this argument doesn't make much sense, but i'm really trying here lmao

my point is, abusive fanfics are NEVER okay.


a perfect example, would be prinzessin.

a story about courtney, a jew, and duncan, a nazi, falling love.

this was the worst fucking story i've ever read, i don't understand how people actually read this and enjoy it.

how can you sit there, and read about your favorite character being raped, and then support her FALLING IN FUCKING LOVE WITH HER ABUSER/RAPIST

absolute fucking bullshit

again this whole argument makes me sound really stupid so i'm sorry but anyways









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