heather!!! / spooky story

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also irma boutta tear this ass up!! she should be here like tomorrow night i think? but oh my today the wind was blowing so hard and it was so eerie seeing all the birds like leaving and ugh i hate it


okay so last night, i'm on ft with my gal and it was around midnight so everyone was asleep. well we're dead ass talking about this really old website that we both used to play on called Stardoll, when i hear tapping on the window behind me. as soon as i hear it my eyes start watering and i start shaking and my gal goes, "wow your pupils are huge are you okay" and i told her what i heard and she was like BFIDUAJ I FUCKING HEAR IT TOO because that shit was LOUD. so i hang up and go to my parents room, by now i sound like a hot mess because my voice is shaking and i'm fucking terrified, and i tell my mom that someone was tapping on the window and she goes, "i heard it too but i thought it was the dogs tail on the wall then i realized he was asleep." so i start fucking CRYING because i think, oh my god we're gonna die. then my dads like oh it's okay i'll go look outside, so him and max go outside with fucking NOTHING like no weapon, no flashlight NOTHING. while he's out there im in my moms room hyperventilating and crying because i think he's gonna die or some cult is trying to kill us because i had a dream exactly the same before. anyways, while we're waiting for my dad and max to get back she goes, "i heard the tapping too, then i heard the bathroom door open so i thought it was you." and right after she says that i start freaking out even more and i'm thinking, oh my god they're already in the house. so my dad walks back in and says he didn't find anything, then i make him check the whole fucking house to see if there was, idk a homeless person or something. and in the end there wasn't but i literally laid in my parents bed for 3 hours after that because i was so fucking shook. it was truly traumatic. if i hear knocking again i'm throwing hands i stg

anyways stay safe during the hurricane tomorrow + sunday!! it's gonna be bad one ://













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