opinions on the shitty fucking seasons

364 14 17

island - hands down best season, everything was pure n innocent and it gave us the best couples. it was realistic for a cartoon taking place on island or whatever

action - really fuckinf underrated. i actually think this was the 2nd best because um duncan won, (in some countries) and there was a lot a lot of duncney so i mean? cool? but overall i don't think it was bad i think it was a pretty decent season

world tour - good season but it's hard for me to remember the episodes because like when it aired i was only like 8? i think? but anyways it seemed really good. the musical concept was amazing and the songs were A1 but um gwuncan also happened in that season? yikes,,,so i mean i guess this is my 3rd favorite which tbh it would most likely be higher if i actually, idk, fucking rewatched it but oh well

revenge of the island - who r these people? why is the island a radioactive place? i? don't? understand? this season was bad so i'm marking it my 5th least favorite i don't even have like strong opinions on it i just don't like it

all stars - i don't know her

pahkitew island - i actually just watched it for the first time like last week and i was surprised. it's actually not bad? the characters aren't like horrible? i guess? anyways i guess it would be my 4th favorite season


unfortunately i cannot bless u all with my art today, i am very sorry








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