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I walk through the dimly lit hallway as my shoes squeak against the tile. I look up at the air vent and shiver, pulling my sweater tighter.

"Okay miss Emma. Here is your patient in this insane asylum, Ethan Dolan. He's one of our easier patients to work with. He's had many doctors before and he treated them bad only because they did so to him, so be careful and friendly, you should be fine"

"Alright, sounds great" I said sarcastically. I walk up to the door and look through the tiny, thick window that was in the steel door.

Impossible, he looks too perfect..
I quickly shoved my thoughts away when I heard the ding of keys fluttering as my boss tried unlocking the door. The door opened, and he shoved us inside, quickly shutting it behind to make sure the patient couldn't escape.

"Ethan, your new doctor is here, and please be sweet to her" he said while slumping his shoulders.

Ethan's back was still turned to us and he wasn't saying a word. I put my shivering hands into my back pockets and cleared my throat. He sighed and turned around. His dark hair went perfect with his hazel eyes. His lips full, and his eyebrows raised. We made eye contact and his lips hung open. He blinked a few times and stood up.

"Dolan, don't-"

"I'm not going to hurt her, James." Ethan told my boss. He seemed taken back by Ethan's words as he stood still.

Ethan became closer and my breath hitched in my throat. To my surprise Ethan stuck his hand out, like he was waiting for me to shake it. I very hesitantly lifted my hand out of my pocket and he laughed.

"I promise, I won't hurt you. I just want to greet you politely" he smiled.

"Emma, don't, it's a tra-"

"Oh, so that's your name. Well, you're very beautiful Emma. I'm Ethan" he stuck his hand further. I looked at James and he shook his head but I stuck my hand out anyways, accepting the gesture. We shook hands and he gently pulled his hand back and and then walked over to his bed.

"Well I need to get going to fill some papers, but it was nice to meet you, Ethan. I will be back later today" I said with my voice low and quiet, still somewhat nervous. It was my first day on the job, and I didn't trust these people very well. For some reason I feel like I can trust Ethan though, even though I know that would be a stupid move.

"Alright. Bye Emma" he waved as we walked out. I slightly smiled and turned as we closed and locked the door. I look through the tiny window once more and see him fall onto his bed with a smirk on his face.

Well.. great. Just great.

Impossible | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now