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"Okay, well what happened?" I ask, almost begging.

"Okay. It all started back when we were seventeen years old. We actually had built a fandom on social media. We had been doing YouTube for quite a few years. Together we were the Dolan twins. Around the time when it was almost our 18th birthday, Ethan got a letter in the mail. Well, it was titled "Dolan twins" but the whole thing revolved mainly around Ethan. It had so many threats towards him, and so many cruel things were said about him. He let it get to his head. He became.. insane.." Grayson took a deep breath and Julia rubbed his arm.

"One day I heard him. It was a mix of grunting and crying and yelling. It was coming from the bathroom. I ran upstairs and the door was locked. I built up all the strength I had and kicked that bathroom door completely down. And there I saw him, struggling to open a bottle of pills. He looked at me and said 'help me, I can't get the cap off ' while yelling with sobs. I slapped it out of his hand and screamed 'Ethan what the hell are you doing' he stood up and slammed me against the wall, still crying. He screamed in my face, 'WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!! THE PILLS SPILLED EVERYWHERE, I HATE YOU'  and I tried calming him down but he ran off and as he did, we both fell to the ground. I looked down and saw that my finger had completely broken, and it was pretty gross. But at that point in time, I didn't even care about my hand. It was like I was numb to the pain. Ethan got up and saw my hand. And out of frustration he did something really stupid; h-he punched a glass window. Shards of glass spread through his hand. We both went to the hospital and got our hands fixed."

"Wow.. I'm really sorry" I say as a tear drops from all of our eyes.

"That's only the beginning" Julia cuts in, her voice shaking.

"After that happened they let him off the hook, because I covered for him. I didn't tell them anything real that happened I just made up some stupid story. I didn't want them taking him away from me. He was all I had at the time, other than Julia, which her and I were dating at the time. So, about a year later, he was finally getting better. He had gotten depression after the incident, but medication had helped him get stable again. So at this time we were still making YouTube videos. And we decided to watch through our old videos for fun. We got to this video we had made around two years before. It was titled 'you're not alone'. We barely remembered what we had said in it so I hesitantly clicked it. We watched it and it's like the whole dark cloud just covered Ethan again. He rammed the computer screen into the wall and ran through the house, screaming threats. We were all so scared, my mom called the cops.. on her own son.. on my best friend.. he was put in the asylum and that brings us to present day. He's still stuck in there after almost five years. I visited once, three years ago. I've just been so scared to see him, and so mad. So mad at him for ruining our family. And the last year we had together before I went off to college, alone. I just don't know if I could look him in the eyes ever again, but at the same time I just want my best friend back."

"I-I don't really know what to say" I said, in tears.
"Gray, I'm really sor-"
"I know, and you have no need to be sorry. I appreciate it, I do. But you didn't do anything wrong."

"I guess.. I just really want him to get better and get his, and your, life back."

"Thank you, Emma. It means the world."

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