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I thought back to when Julia said I could tell her anything. And I told her I had something on my mind, but wasn't ready. I need to tell her.

Me: hey girl I have a big problem

Julia: ok.. is everything

Me: no, not at all.

Julia: what's going on
Are you okay??
Emma answer

I didn't know what to do. I have no clue how to approach this. I just have to come right off and say it.

Me: you won't be happy with me. You may never forgive me. So I want to say I'm sorry in advance, and I don't want to lose you as a friend, but it might happen..

Julia: omg Emma, what's happening?!?!

Me: okay here's the thing

Julia: waitingggg

Me: I've fallen for him.

Julia: Emma no

Me: I know it's terrible and I have no clue how to deal with it. But I look at him and just fall into that little whole and can't get myself to go out.

Julia: you can't do that Emma he's so dangerous

Me: I know, I know.
And I'm sorry
Do you hate me

Julia: I'd never hate you
I'm just.. idk

Me: I get it. I know he'll hurt me. But what if... what if he doesn't

Julia: well what are you going to do

Me: idk.. should we tell grayson?

Julia: I think we should keep this one between us..

Me: yeah ok that would be best

Julia: well.. go get 'em;)

Me: you have no idea how relieved that made me feel. Bye J, love you

Julia: love ya girlie

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