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"l'm so sorry Ethan.." l whisper.

"Don't be sorry."

"lt was all my idea, and now because of me, here we are sitting in the back of a police car, on the way to the station."

"Be quiet back there" the Male cop sternly states.

l look at Ethan and he looks at me. We stay like that for a minute. A tear drops his eye. Then so does one from mine. The drop of salty water falling off my eyelashes, splashing my cheek.

"l'm so sorry." l mouth those words.

"Me too" he mouths.

l look down in surrender and break down in tears. l try my best to not make a sound.

"You know that you're going to be locked up, right?" The officer glares at me in the small room.

"Yes ma'am." l look down, trying my best to not cry.

"Why did you do it" she leans forward.

"l don't know, okay? l don't know"

"Maybe it's because you have something for him."

"What? No. No that's not.. no." l let out a deep breath, ready to end this conversation.

"Only love makes you that crazy."

"Like l said, l don't know. Can you just lock me up already" l'm so eager to get away from this officer. Her eyes burn my soul, it's like she knows exactly what l'm thinking.

"Not a problem," She stands up and walks over to me. l look up at her; the terrible frown she has only shared hate, as she continued, "but let me tell you something Princess. You are gonna be here for a while. Do you know how dangerous that was?! He's crazy." She firmly raises her voice.

"No he's not," l mumble as a tear slips my eye. Not meaning for her to hear.

"What was that?" She puts an angry emphasis on her words; making me slightly jump.

"Nothing.. here" I stand up and turn around so she can grab my arms to make sure I don't escape from the hand cuffs.

"Wow. Cooperative. Better stay that way." She talks right in my ear which causes me to shiver.

"Can l just quickly talk to him? Please?" My voice cracks.

"Five minutes." She slams my arms down and l sit in the chair as l wait for her to bring Ethan in.

lt feels like an eternity until the door opens back up and he slowly walks in. He sits in front of me.

"Hey." His shoulders are slumped to the ground.

"Hey, E."

"They're gonna take me back to the Asylum."

"l know."

"l'll be there for another two years. Even though l was supposed to be released in four months."

"l'm sorry Ethan." l begin to sob. He doesn't speak. Making me more upset. l was about to say another thought but before l could, the door ripped open.

"Time's up shortcake." The officer walks in. A few others follow behind her.

"No l can't leave her" Ethan says, backing up closer to me.

"Let's go" one male officer grabs him.

"Ethan no" l raise my voice.

"l said, LETS GO" The man pulls Ethan. l run to him and the woman officer grabs me.




l use all the strength l had to break free and l run to Ethan. Our lips smash together. l feel myself being pulled away. The kiss breaks. Something l never wanted to happen. The male officers start to take Ethan out of the room. Once they watch the doorway Ethan looks at me. His lips quiver. lt breaks my heart to see it.

"l love you" l whisper. He looks away and nods at the officers. He leaves. He didn't say it back.

What if l was wrong all along.

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