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The echo of his voice seemed to last forever as it was dead silent in this room. Tears started welling up in my glassy eyes. He breathed out really rough, punching the wall. I sat there, on the floor. Just thinking. Trying not to make any noise as the tears hop down from my eyelashes, splashing my cheeks, one by one. I focused on the feeling of the tears rolling around the outline of my lips, down to my chin. I felt like I was suffocating, and struggled to not make a sound. He sighed heavily and sat over beside me, leaning against the wall. He cautiously put his arm around me. I gave in, and buried my face in his chest and let him secure me in his arms.

We sat there, for a while.
Not saying a word.
Just enjoying the company.
The sound of silence beating through my head.
I bothered me, it really did.
I needed to say something.
But what would I say?
I had something in mind, but it's crazy.
Maybe if I get the courage, I'll say it.
He held me so tight, I started to doze off.
My eyes became heavy and my breathing slowed.
He ran his hands through my hair and that put me to complete sleep.


I wake up and it's dark. Just a little light from a lamp. I look over and I'm still in Ethan's arms, where we were when I went to sleep. I look up and see him asleep. His soft lips resting, his eyelids closed, his cheeks pink. I admired every tiny detail about this man whose arms I was surprisingly resting in. His eyes started to flutter open slowly. I didn't care, I kept admiring him.
He saw me and sweetly chuckled. I look over at the clock on the wall and see my shift is almost over.
And then it popped into my mind.
That thing.
That thing I wanted to say before I fell asleep.
I wiped my hands over my eyes and quickly stood up, looking around the room.

"Emma, are you okay"

"Yeah.. yeah I just.. I have an idea"

"Okay, well what is it?" He said, standing up and brushing the dirt off his pants.
I looked over to him for a minute. Looking into his beautiful, begging eyes.

"Let's get out of here"

Impossible | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now