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I walk back up to room 512 to see how Ethan's doing. My shift is almost over, and then I'll go meet Grayson. I haven't talked to Ethan since what had happened, and I wasn't too excited about seeing him again either.

I rub my arms as I shiver and twist the nob to the door. I shut it behind me and look back at Ethan and see that he's asleep. I sigh to myself and just sit down in the chair next to the bed that he was on. He had tubes hooked onto him so he could stay hydrated. I notice he had dried tears on his cheeks and dried blood and sweat beads on his forehead. I wipe the hair out of his face and stand up. I grab a paper towel and run it under the sink water and wipe it over his forehead and cheeks.
I turn around to throw it away and out of the corner of my eye I see his eyes flutter open, look over to me, and close again.
He's playing that game. Pretending to sleep. Hm..
I decided to use that to my advantage. I sit back down in the chair.
"Hey, E. I see you're asleep. I'm sorry. So I saw the notebook. Looks like you've been feeling better. Whatever it is that's helping you.. keep it up.. I do care about you. I want you to get better and go live a normal life."

I was about to speak again, but instead i shut my mouth and walked out. I look up at the clock and see it's 10:30pm. Time to go meet Grayson..
I walk to the front desk.
"Alright James. I'm headed out for the night."

"Okay, see you soon, Emma."
I check out and grab my coat and keys. I walk out to my car and sit for a moment. I turn it on and drive to the nearest Panera Bread.
Hopefully he decides to come..

Hey guys. Sorry for the super short chapter. It's late at night and I was in a rush to get it done🌹

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