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"Alright. Thank you James, I'll be back after my lunch break. I'm going to go eat with a friend but I promise I'll be back when my shift continues" I told my boss.

"Okay, I'll see you soon Emma"

I walked out of the building and got to my car. Once I turned the car on I sat there for a minute. I sigh to myself because we only get a two hour lunch break, and as long as that sounds, it's not enough to go find Grayson, talk to him, and come back. I come up with the idea to write a note and leave it on his doorstep or something. I find a wrinkled piece of paper and pick up a pen with my cold hand.

Hey Grayson. You don't know me but I know about you. I swear I'm not doing this to be a creep or harm you I just really need to talk to you about something. Meet me at Panera Bread at 10:45, that's 15 minutes after my shift ends at work. Guess I may or may not see you there

I finish writing the note and start driving.


After about 50 minutes I got to the neighborhood that Grayson had to live in. I slowly drive street to street looking at the houses. My car comes to a stop when I see a man walk out of a black Range Rover.
That looks like Ethan..
Oh gosh that must be Grayson.

I park my car on the side of the road and jump out.

"Grayson!!" I yell out.
His head snaps around and his eyebrows lace together.
"I'm sorry.. do I know you?"

"This note explains it all, please read it but I really need to go" he takes the note from my hands and I jog back to my car, and drive back to the asylum.


"Ah, Emma, right on time I see" James says as I walk through the doors.

"Yep. Alright I'll go give Ethan his medication-"

"No need for that"

"What?? Why not?"

"Oh some officers came to investigate about him and took him to one of the offices back there to get more information on how to help him get better faster"

"Oh... okay. Well I'm gonna go get stuff organized around his room, can I have the key?"

"Sure thing, here ya go" he reached into a drawer and hands me the key to Ethan's room.

"Thanks" I walk through the chilled halls and unlock the door.

Once I walk into Ethan's room I close the door behind me and slowly walk around. I walk over to his bed and on the side table next to it I see his little note book that he said he kept drawings in. I ran my fingers over the firm leather and admire the golden print on the front that read:
Property of Ethan Grant
Aw, Grant.
Such a cute middle name.
I giggle at my thought and decided to open the book, not sure if I was ready to see what I was about to.

The first 10-13 pages were very dark. They had self portraits of Ethan, himself, with just.. darkness around him. I shivered as I looked at them, and turned the page. As they kept going they started getting less dark, and more uplifting. I noticed he started writing the dates on the upper right corners of the pages, and that they were more recent. Like a couple days ago. Then I flipped to the most recent drawing and it was of him blushing, he had messy hair and his eyes were shut like he were peaceful. I looked up at the date.
It was from this morning..
My stomach started to ache but in a weird way.
No... no I can't, I-I cant do that.
I drop the book and slowly back up against the wall. I slide down the wall and start to shake and my lips start to quiver.

I will not fall for him. I won't. Ever. He's insane. He'll hurt me. He's not capable of a relationship. How could I ever fall for someone that is crazy.

This is impossible.

Impossible | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now