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I walk into Panera Bread and sit down at a booth. I check the time and see it's 10:43pm.
If he decided to show up it should be any minute-
I hear a husky voice say. Similar to Ethan's. I look up and there stands Grayson.
"Hey Grayson.. honestly I feel bad for taking time away from your night, but I-"

"No, it's fine" he sits down and continues, "did you wanna talk about something?"

"Yeah.. and I don't know how you're going to react when I mention this.."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, well. Let's start with the main stuff. So as you know, my name is Emma. I'm twenty-three years old. Well.. uhm so I got a new job, a few days ago."

"Okay, what does this have to do with anything" he leans his head down and rests his chin in his hand.

"So this job.. is at an asylum.."

"You're here to talk about my brother, aren't you" he says, looking down and fiddling with a napkin.

"If you don't mind, I was hoping, yeah." I said looking down at my hands picking a nail.

"We could just go to my place, if you want. I'm not all that comfortable talking about it in public. Also you could meet my wife, Julia."

"Okay, sounds fine." We stand up and walk to our cars. I wave as I step into mine and we drive to his house.


"Do you want something to drink?" Grayson asks as I sit down on the leather couch.

"May I have some coffee? Decaf?"

"Yeah totally I'll be there in a sec"

I scroll through instagram on my phone and soon enough Grayson comes with two mugs of coffee.

"Oh before we start talking.." he puts his mug down and stands up.

"Hey Julia!!" He yells.
"Yeah babe?" She yells back with a very sweet, calm, light voice.
"Come out here will quick" just as Grayson says that, out from the hallway walks a beautiful woman. She is somewhat shorter than me, and I'm around 5'5 in height. Long black hair sways her back, and she has big sparkly emerald eyes. She has a very sweet face and she's pretty fit and skinny.
"Hey! You must be Emma. Grayson said something about meeting to talk?" Her eyebrows raise.

I look at Grayson and he nods.
"Yeah, um, I'm sorry for the kinda mysterious note and stuff I was just in a rush. But I wanted to talk about... Ethan"
Her jaw drops and she blinks several times.
"Yeah, yeah sure. How do you know him?" She takes a seat on a barstool at the island in the kitchen. We walk there and I stand in the kitchen in front of her.
"Well I just got a new job and it happened to be at the asylum he was in. And I just so happened to be the one helping him. He mentioned Grayson a couple times but never said anything other than that he was his twin and they always played as little kids." My eyes shift from Julia to Grayson.

"So what do you wanna know?" Gray leans back against the counter.

"I don't know? Uh like why is he there in the first place? When did he get there? That kinda stuff"

"Well.." Julia sighs.
"That's quite a story" Grayson finished for her, also sighing.

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